Oh, actually it is like this according to them:

“The ReBuilder <http://www.rebuildermedical.com/> is different from other
common TENS devices in that it analyzes in real time, the waveform that the
nerves are responding with, and then creates a specific waveform to gently
nudge the dysfunctional nerves back to full function. We have discovered in
our research here in our own lab, that nerves communicate with each other
like an FM radio. in an FM radio. Each station is looking for a specific
frequency and waveform as a ‘carrier”. Then the data sent from the radio
station is translated to music or voice. Similarly, your nerves expect to
communicate with each other, your brain, and your muscles with specific
frequencies and waveforms. The ReBuilder reads all this data from your
nerves, determines the various deficiencies, creates a custom output signal,
and does it all in real time, and it does this 7.83 times per second to give
your nerves a chance to re-polarize and not become overloaded or go into

And the Dr. I was thinking of is Dr. Yu-Ling Xin who worked with
Nordenstrom.  Though there may be others.  And looking back at the book I
read it in, there is no mention of a Nobel prize.  It must have been the
scooby snacks or something.
