Yes, there are several people that were masters at magnets--Peter studied
under most of them.  There are some good books out there.  I have them.  I
even photo copied a book by an old man that went around teaching magnetic
healing and selling super strong magnets.  He had a lot of the same info
Peter has, only not so much about the placements.  My friend took a class
from him many years ago.  I have searched and searched on line but that
gentleman has passed away and no one now seems to have his material, so I
copied my friend's.  My friend bought a set of his large super magnets and I
can barely get them apart!  My friend says when he puts them on pain just

Anyway--there are basic ways to use magnets for healing, but of all the
books I have, Peter's is the most explicit and has the most information
about placement for certain problems.  His book is inexpensive--only $15
full price and I believe it can be purchased on sale now at the 50% off.  

The thing with Peter's information is that he's had thousands of people
using and reporting on the magnets for health.  There are lots of
testimonials on his site, and he works closely with many doctors.  Few other
magnetic authors have that experience.  Many of the books found in book
stores are simply from people that gathered information about magnets and
put it in a book, without them actually having the experience of clinical

-------Original Message-------
I know some people on the list like Kulish but Davis & Rawls predated him by 
many, many years.  Their stuff is still available and will help guide you.