
According to Becker's work contrasted with Bart Flick's work contrasted with Steven Quinto's work, the following statement can be made:

With the right amount of current (extremely small amount), silver ions delivered by this current can cause cancer cells to dedifferentiate, and thus return to a pre-cancerous state. However, Becker refuted this claim; based on his work, it is clear that the RIGHT amount of current must be used.

Stephen Quinto followed up and studied the effect that silver ions had on human cancer cells, and found that the silver ion has the capability to destroy cancer cells. His lab studies were never published, but they were very interesting.

However, I do not view silver as a primary treatment modality for cancer, as the silver ion must reach the cancer, and with cancer/tumors in the body, if you're not a surgeon, getting that task done "guaranteed" is not easy.


From: <>
To: <>
Cc: "mgperrault" <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 04, 2012 16:04
Subject: Re: CS>brain a barrier?

What is uncontrolled de-differentiation? Perhaps almost a cancer, perhaps a scar tissue, but
anyway, not good I can imagine.

So those who nebulize CS are increasing their chances of lung cancer?


---- mgperrault <> wrote:
Is there information on silver crossing the blood brain barrier?
Informed person says it does.   I witnessed someone putting a poultice
of c silver on the arm and this seemed to cause a slightly raised, de
pigmented scar tissue like area.

If I can vaguely remember, Becker said that silver can de differentiate
cells and that skin mediated voltage fields can sustain a re
differentiation and thus some regeneration of limb and bone, even
cancerous.  I may not have it right, but I dont have the book anymore.
Another part of the conundrum is that when the silver forms brown stains
on the colloidal making apparatus, this is very difficult to clean.  So
I imagine the silver staining the brain and causing dedifferentiation
and this seems totally frightening.  What is uncontrolled
de-differentiation?  Perhaps almost a cancer, perhaps a scar tissue, but
anyway, not good I can imagine.   Sorry if this has been covered, I
looked at the archives but didnt find anything....



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