Joy you may want to try taking zeolite, if you are not already.  Zeolite has
a great affinity for the kidneys.  I did a lot of research into it a few
years back and though some people have only gotten results when taking the
expensive MLM product NCD (natural cellular defense) liquid zeolite, I know
many who have been greatly helped by just taking the powdered zeolite.

In fact, a 65 year old friend of mine told me that her doctor had done some
tests on her and told her that her kidney function was down to only one
third capacity.  He said they would not put her on any medicine but that if
it dropped any lower she'd have to go on dialysis!  She was very worried.  I
told her about my research into zeolite and she decided to try the powder.

She bought it on line.  She did not like the taste of mixing it into any
liquid so she wound up filling capsules with it.  She took 6 capsules, twice
a day, which worked out to one tablespoon twice a day. 

In one month's time she went back for more kidney tests and her doctor was
astounded because her kidney function had gone up to 95%!!  She continued to
take the capsules for one more month and then she quit.  This was 2 years
ago and she's still fine.

I will say that the zeolite has gone up in cost a great deal since she
purchased hers over 2 years ago now, but still you get a lot for the
money--able to take it for a long time before you run out, if you get a
couple pounds.

Don't let all the hype fool you as to 'my brand is better than any other
brand'.  Zeolite is zeolite.  The only difference is in the fineness of the
powder.  Some grind very fine and others not as fine.  That really doesn't
make a lot of difference in effectiveness either, so get the cheapest you
can get without buying chunks.  Although--I knew one guy that lived in an
area that sold pure zeolite cat litter in 20 pound bags.  He would buy that
and grind it himself in his blender and took that zeolite.    It's all the

You can put it into capsules as my friend did, or you can just stir some
into liquid and drink it.  Some people buy the super fine grade and just put
a spoonful in their mouth and let it melt that way.

You can buy liquid zeolite, which is zeolite dissolved in water.  I have to
say that I have known a couple people that said they tried the powdered
zeolite and didn't get any results but bought any liquid zeo and saved their
kidneys.  Then I met a couple people that said they tried the powder without
results, and regular liquid zeo without results, but when they tried the
expensive NCD they saved their kidneys.  So--it may be that you'd have to
try a few brands, but I would start with the powdered.  It works in, I'd say
at least 90% of the cases.

-------Original Message-------
Does anyone know if there's a protocol that would be beneficial for
renal regeneration? 
