> Hi Mike, Regarding "Zappers", it sounds like you are talking about
  > the devices that Hulda Clark popularized over the past 20 years or
  > so (I first read her books in 1994 or so). Is that the case? I use
  > a zapper  occasionally  if I get a bad cold  or  upper respiratory
  > infection. But I have never heard of what you mentioned  about the
  > copper hand holds depositing copper ions into the skin  (I covered
  > them with 2 layers of paper towel), or other materials, depositing
  > who knows  what into the skin. Do you have a  recommendation  on a
  > material that  is  safe  to use with a Zapper?  I  have  found the
  > zapper to  be  extremely  useful at times  of  viral  or bacterial
  > infection -  it doesn't seem to cure the problem outright,  but it
  > definitely seems  to have a positive effect (in my  case,  pain or
  > congestion in  the sinuses or throat is usually  alleviated  for a
  > few hours after a zapping session). -Ken


  Zappers were  proposed by Bob Beck and Hulda Clark. Beck  claimed to
  be a  physicist, and would have known that electrons cannot  flow in
  an electrolyte.  However, he claimed his Zapper could  do  just that
  and that it would cure all diseases.

  Here is  a  1998  talk where Beck claims his  Zapper  will  kill ALL
  pathogens and  parasites,   including   HIV.   He  claims  the blood
  circulates in the body in 9 or 10 seconds (5:00). This is  false. It
  takes a minute or so.

  Note also that he uses stainless steel electrodes. Please  see below
  for more information.


  Clearly the device does not do what he claims. If it did,  HIV would
  not exist,  and  we would not need antibiotics.  Every  hospital and
  clinic would be using them instead. That is obviously not true.

  Hulda Clark has a slightly different version and made much  the same
  claims. However,  she  also  claimed to  have  the  ability  to cure
  cancer. However, Hulda Clark died of cancer in 2009.

  From Wikipedia:

  Clark's claims  and  devices   have  been  dismissed  by authorities
  ranging from  the  US  Federal Trade Commission  and  Food  and Drug
  Administration to  alternative medicine figures such as  Andrew Weil
  as    scientifically   unfounded,   "bizarre",[3]   and  potentially
  fraudulent.[2] Clark  died 3 September 2009 of  multiple  myeloma (a
  blood and bone cancer).[4][5][6]


  Hulda's Zapper  supposedly  worked by shaking  or  vibrating  a germ
  until it  falls  apart,  like  the  famous  Memorex  commercial that
  shatters a wine glass.

  However, bacteria are not brittle like crystal, and there is  no way
  any energy from a Zapper could reach them. The first problem is skin
  effect that  causes high frequencies to travel on the  outside  of a
  body and not penetrate very deeply. The second problem is the energy
  in the  harmonics  falls   off   extremely   rapidly,  and  there is
  negligible energy  at  the frequencies that  might  resonate  with a
  bacterial cell.

  Again, if  her device worked as she claims, we would no  longer have
  any illness,  and all the pharmaceutical companies  would  have gone
  out of business long ago. These devices would be used in  every home
  and clinic, and about the only thing we would need doctors for would
  be the occasional broken bone.

  None of this has happened.

  Your sinus  irritation might be caused by low  humidity  which dries
  the sinuses.  It could also be caused by irritation from  the toxins
  in mold  spores,  possibly from your pillow. It could  be  caused by
  mold spores coming from padded furniture or an infestation buried in
  walls or some hidden place in the basement.

  In these cases, the Zapper has no effect and the soreness  is simply
  going away  by  itself  as you move about or  open  the  windows for

  The copper  ions released by the iontophoreses  travel  very slowly,
  especially with the low voltage present.

  It is  very  unlikely that a Zapper is able to do  anything  to help
  bacterial infections  that are located more than  a  few centimeters
  beneath the surface. It is extremely unlikely that Zapping will have
  any effect on viral infections.

  However, copper is easily corroded and it is very difficult  to find
  pure copper  that  has not been contaminated by  oxidation  or other
  sources. The  copper  in  wire  is  very  pure,  but  the insulation
  material releases  contamination   that   quickly   embeds  into the
  surface. Also, the manufacturing process does nothing to  remove the
  lubrication needed to draw the wire through the dies, so they remain
  on the  surface  where they will migrate inwards  over  a  period of

  I just went through a lengthy exercise to try to scrap and  sand the
  contamination from  the surface of 12 ga copper wire. Even  though I
  removed a  substantial  amount  of material  from  the  surface, the
  copper still  proved to be severely contaminated. You would  have to
  find wire with an inert insulation such as Teflon,  and freshly-made
  so any contaminating oils from the drawing operation would  not have
  enough time to migrate into the surface.

  Under no  circumstance should you ever use stainless  steel  for the
  electrodes. This could be extremely dangerous. Please see my note in


  If you  are  getting bad colds or infections, your  cs  is  not good

  You should  never  find the need to resort to Zapping  when  you are
  taking quality cs with a silver ion concentration above 20uS.



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