Thanks, Renee,

Godzilla is DC, so that's plain copper iontophoreses which is perfectly
legitimate. The only problem is the local volume it can treat and the
difficulty of getting pure copper and keeping it clean. I hope you are not
using sponges - they will simply inject whatever crud they contain into the
flesh. Better to rest the copper against the jaw and hold it there with a
moistened cotton swab like the ones dentists use to put in an extracted
tooth to get the bleeding. Although as soon as got home, I would pull it
out and soak another one in cs. It killed the pain and stopped the bleeding.

I think you will find the SilverCell to work a bit better than
iontophoreses since it floods the entire mouth with cs, so it gets the
cavities and the gums all in one go. Another week or so and I should have
the new silver.

Did you build the FREX or get it from someone? I looked at the site earlier:

What kinds of things does it do?

It sounds very much like the FScan2, which I plan on building for the ABPA

Thanks for the links. I'll sign up right away.

Mike Monett

Renee wrote:
>Oh, the only 'electric' lists I'm on is Dr. Loyds, Frex and
>microelectricgermkiller.  I'm sure there are other good ones but since I
>don't have any machines (other than the Godzilla I put together and the FREX
>which I just recently got) and don't understand electronics enough to build
>one, these are the only ones I'm on.  Godzilla is a simple 6 volt battery
>that works wonders for wounds, teeth, etc.  FREX is a frequency device that
>does amazing things.  You can download the whole frex software for free and
>run everything--the only thing is it is set to run for x amount of time and
>then you have to start it back up again, whereas if you buy the program you
>can set it to continous loop or however long you want it and it will run.
>It contains about all the different frequencies that are well known.
>Maybe someone else will tell us some good lists to join.  If you are
>interested in FREX I can send the link.  Going to be leaving the house for a
>few hours in just a moment so don't have time to--well, wait--here it is:
>here's dr loyd's list
>neither is specific for the frex or Dr. Loyd's devices, but Dr. Loyd works
>long distance with people and has remedies and tincture to buy.  Frex's list
>owner, Ken, is a chiropractor in Australia and very well informed about
>alternative health protocols.  Lots of good information there.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Mike Monett []
>Thanks, Renee. If it works, I'll let you know. I tried to join two Yahoo
>groups but have not heard from the moderators. Can you tell me what other
>lists to look for?

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