-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Monett [mailto:mrmon...@pstca.com] 

You sure have collected a lot of different healing methods! I wonder how
many others there are you haven't mentioned yet:)

Oh, lots and lots.  :)  Been at this alternative stuff for over 25 years
now, ever since I had cancer.  Just love to 'collect' information on
healing.  Never sick here so don't have a lot to experiment with, but I
usually try things out when I can, just to see.

I think some of the BEST methods are the easiest and are free to do.  My
favorite is The Emotion Code, then EFT, then DMT, then MIR.  The Emotion
Code is remarkable and uses muscle testing to release trapped emotions.  EFT
is a more complicated tapping procedure but once you learn it it's
invaluable.  DMT is a simplified tapping procedure that works wonders for
physical problems.  MIR is a new method I've just learned that I think will
be very powerful, and is super simple to do.

These emotional things SEEM to be 1) too simple to work 2) most people don't
understand the emotional part of illness

Because they are simple and free people often overlook them and don't
understand their power.  And then most people do not understand the
underlying reason for illness, which is almost always buried in emotions.
Even if you cure the physical problem if you don't deal with the emotions
the problem simply comes back, usually in the same form but a different
area, but sometimes even in the same area.  That's why it's so common for a
person to get cancer again--the doctor's famous '5 year' thing (if you make
it 5 years cancer free you could possibly stay cancer free) because most
people get it back in under 5 years.  Just because you have it cut out,
burnt out, etc, but you have NOT addressed the emotional aspects, the
thought processes and looked for some spiritual answers, it just comes back.
Address those 3 and you are almost sure never to be bothered by cancer

It is said--and I believe it, that everything starts on the spiritual level
and if corrected there we'd never get sick.  But we are almost totally
unaware of the spirit level.

>From there it goes to the mental level.  Again, if we were aware and fixed
the mental issue we would never get sick.

Then it goes emotional level.  If we stopped it there we'd never get sick.
But we simply don't understand our emotions, let alone deal with them.  So
because we don't, then the body takes on physical symptoms of illness.  We
can't ignore that like we can emotions, thoughts and spirit.  

So though we may fix the physical symptoms, if we haven't dealt with the
emotions especially, but also the thoughts and spirit, then illness simply
comes back.  And usually dealing with the emotions kind of also takes care
of the thoughts that go along since thoughts and emotions are very closely
linked.  The spirit--well, any truly healthy person has a healthy spiritual
side.  You cannot live in darkness and be healthy.  But it does help to
address the spiritual side when ill, because that allows the physical 'cure'
to happen faster.

We are such wondrous beings!

Oh shoot--how can I forget the SEM water cards and the SSS cards?  They are
also free and very powerful.  :)  and they work through the frequency


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