Thank you Renee!!!

-----Original Message-----
From: Renee [] 
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 9:52 PM
Subject: CS>other healing modalities

Here's a link where you can sign up for the free tapping thing--many of the
most famous EFT practitioners teach and you can learn much by listening in
and tapping along on each teleseminar.  You don't need to buy their material
unless you are so moved.

check it out here and join the over 500,000 registered....Yes tapping is
huge and growing!
Remember it's 100% fr*ee to attend online, but you only have 24 hours to
hear each set of speakers.

 You sign up, and they notify you each day someone speaks, and if you can't
make it 'live' you have 24 hours to listen to a recording.  Then they take
the recording down.

DMT:  simpler tapping method, based on Huna and a Huna explanation of why it
works.  Very simple yet great for physical problems especially.  I
personally prefer EFT for emotional problems (and to set new habits in
place) but prefer DMT for physical problems.  

MIR  very basic but seems to be powerful.  We are
seldom touched and seldom touched in such a comforting way.  It's good to
know you can do it for yourself and since it's quick and easy and free,
totally worth trying.  The videos shows exactly how to do it if there is any
question about the written explanation.

The Emotion Code: This is a course in muscle testing to get the body to
correctly answer questions.  Then from there it teaches you a simple
fool-proof way of finding out exactly WHICH emotion the body is hiding a
memory of, and how to get rid of the blocked emotion.  Dr. Nelson use to
offer a free copy of the ebook on his site but that form is missing now,
that I can see.  Here are a couple places to get it for free, it seems like:  seems to be totally free with
Nelson's blessings
d-Emotions-for-Abundant-Health-Love-and-Happiness-  seems to be free after
you sign up and choose the free 'membership' which only allows 5 ebook
downloads a month, but The Emotion Code is one of these so you will get it
for free.
And Dr. Nelson still has the page up for sending any soldier you know, who
tells Nelson he/she is interested in receiving the book, Nelson will send
the soldier a free copy--because it's SO good for helping get over PTSD
(better even than EFT I think, and that's basically what EFT was originally
designed for!) 

SSS Cards: these are frequency/prayer cards, meaning that they have
thousands of prayers behind them, included with the frequency.  This
wonderful homeopathic doctor in India went from village to village helping
sick people, but when he left the village, even if he left medicine, the
medicine soon ran out and there was no one trained enough to continue
helping the people.  So he prayed for inspiration and was given these
symbols.  He now can go into each village and teach one person how to use
the cards, then leave a set of cards in each village and they can cure
themselves!  He's so wonderful he put the whole system on line for free for
anyone.  People all over the world use these cards and the energy in them is
very powerful.  I cured my gallbladder problem with these cards--the
unbearable pain ceased in 10 minutes.  I was so impressed with his work and
his generosity that I wrote him because he said the cards were also now in
book form, but I could not find it anywhere.  He wrote back and said it was
published and sold in India but that they shipped them anywhere and gave me
the name of the company.  I'd never bought one thing on line before, and
just KNEW someone in India was going to confiscate my credit card and take
all my money (:-) but as I said, I wanted to support his wonderful work, so
held my breath and ordered it.  It came in a few weeks and the box smelled
SO wonderful, spices from India!  Lol  But the whole book is on line for
free.  Download the cards and print them out.  I placed them into a baseball
scrapbook--that holds baseball cards, so that I can see them and set the
water on top without worrying about damaging the cards from getting wet.
The whole explanation is on line, though it can be hard to figure out at
first.  The first link I'm sending is to the cards and the explanation of
how to use them.  The second link is the background on the cards, how they
came to be, etc.  (check back often as he adds cards
as needed, though you can sign up for a newsletter that only comes out when
he adds cards)  

SEM labels: these are also frequency 'cards' in the form of labels that you
put on water bottles for an hour, then you drink the water.  Kind of like
above, but different in that there are no prayers included in these cards,
strictly frequencies.  The man who developed these is also very generous.
I've written him with some questions about the cards and he always answers
himself rather than a secretary! And he always answers within a day.  You
can watch the videos to see how they work and how to apply them, though the
video says it's ok to use bottles with ridges, the book says not to.  I
asked him which and he said no, try to use bottles with flat areas as the
water 'reads' the labels better that way.  Unless you find some special
higher priced water bottles, or you drink soda and save those, it's very
difficult now to find water bottles without a flat spot.  They are 'saving'
on plastic so make the plastic bottles much thinner and need the ridges to
give support.  Soda bottles still don't need this, and I did find a more
expensive brand of water bottles that have a flat area for the label.  But
the labels are free to print out, as is the explanation.  

ummm, can't think of any others free on line right now, but this should get
you started.  :)  

Any questions, just ask.


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