It's not about money or "low budget learning" Dok <g>, it's about why throw 
something away when it's totally unnecessary to do so.That strong solution 
could come in very handy one day, ideal in fact for open wounds on animals as 
an example, or humans.
I was gunna toss out my batch that turned tea or dark amber coloured a few 
years ago cos I suspected lead contamination was pulled from the crystal brew 
vessel I used - but I didn't throw it out, and I've still got some left, and 
I've administered small amounts on occasion for self and family member use, and 
will do it again when/if the need arises.  That's why I suggested using it 
sparingly.  The glass storage vessel has severe plate out, but I won't toss it 

> Date: Tue, 22 May 2012 09:18:23 -0700
> From:
> Subject: Re: Neville / Re: CS>A question, please/2nd opinion?
> To:
> Hello Bernadette,
> What you ultimately end-up doing with it is entirely your choice, but after 
> scanning few other replies,
> personally...I would NOT agree, to save 'improperly' brewed EIS batch, 
> measuring EOB of 60+ ppm?
> Clearly things did not workout exactly as you had expected, but beware extra 
> NOT Silver..!
> Others, have already eluded...using (raw-air) bubbler for stirring, over 
> extended period, may result in
> either nitrogen gas, or carbon dioxide (from air) altering EIS background pH 
> (acid/alkali)...not good?
> Since you brew it yourself, the actual DIY cost of materials (Gallon of DW + 
> Silver wire) is very Low 
> and IMO, it's well within (pragmatic/write-it-off) budget as part of low-cost 
> learning...What-Not-to-Do!
> While it most likely will not INJURE you, or your animals...why not just use 
> it, for watering garden~ 
> If you intend to use (raw air) bubbler...might suggest adding cheap DIY 
> prefilter/(air-scrubber) stage,
> for trapping dust, mold-spores, smoke, etc. from dirty air...before pumping 
> it thru DW, in Brew Cell?
> Email if you need picture, but it's just extra Mason Jar, with (2) air-lines 
> inserted thru lid and sealed
> to force (raw/dirty) air from pump...through water bath in filter jar before 
> 2nd air-line...into EIS CELL.
> In theory, bubbling (raw/room) air through first water-bath/scrubber jar, 
> helps absorb unwanted gas?
> 2nd Opinion,
> DOK Dallas      
> ________________________________
> From: Bernadette <>
> To: 
> Sent: Tuesday, May 22, 2012 5:23 AM
> Subject: Re: Neville / Re: CS>A question, please