Here is a copy and paste of suggestions I gave to my friend with Hep
C.  It is out of context, but at least the suggested supplements will
be obvious:

2.  Liposomal vitamin C:

Work up to 10 grams a day.  This would cost about $5 a day.  I would
start with 1 gram (1 tsp), 10 times a day, just to get a feel for if
it is going to cause you any herx reactions.  Can be taken with or
without food.  Does not matter much.  Once you know there are no herx
reactions, I would take 5 grams twice a day.  Refrigerate after
opening.  This is to kill the virus and for overall health as well.
If things do not turn around fast, I would be telling you to
experiment with 50 grams doses of this.

Buy from here.  96 grams in a bottle.  So one bottle would last like
10 days, so buy quite a few of these.  $46 a bottle.

Google on vitamin C and virus or hepatitis.

3.  Liposomal glutathione:

This is for overall health and improving liver function.  Also may
increase the effectiveness of interferon if you need to take it again.
 Actually, most of this stuff may increase effectiveness of any
allopathic treatment you get and reduce side effects.  Also this has
some synergy with the liposomal vitamin C.  Take 500mg (1 tsp) twice a
day.  This is just about the best detox therapy on the planet.  Some
people experience detox reactions from stirring up toxins.  Similar to
herx reactions, but from toxins and not from bacteria.  If you do have
any reaction, decrease the dose until you can tolerate it.
Refrigerate after opening.

$55 a bottle.  A bottle would last 15 days.  So get several at a time.

Google on glutathione and hepatitis.

4.  Liposomal silibinin

Silibinin is the chemical in milk thistle people has the most health
effects.  It is poorly absorbed because it is fat soluble.
Liposomally encapsulating supplements give them many advantages, such
as excellent absorption, longer circulating life, excellent
intracellular delivery.  And in this case we are doubly lucky that
liposomes selectively release their contents in the liver.  That is
what all these supplements are "liposomal".  They work way better.

Google on silibinin and hepatitis.  Here is a study:

Take 1 capsule, three times a day.  :
One bottle lasts 20 days and costs $15.  This gives you roughly 300mg
of actualy silibinin per day in a liposomal form.  The study cited
above showed that based on your weight, about 900mg per day by IV
caused remissions.  I believe oral liposomal dosing may be more
effective than IV, so less is needed.  And all these antivirals are
going to have synergy.  It really is the more the merrier.

5.  Supercritical neem

Has a bunch of antiviral chemicals:
(warning it is a PDF)

Supercritical extraction concentrates many of the chemicals .  This
concentrate is then placed in a capsule with regular raw neem leaf
powder.  So you get the broad spectrum leaf, plus many of the
chemicals in much higher amounts due to the addition of the
supercritical extract.
If you buy 3 bottles of 120 capsules, that costs $72.  If you take 1
capsule 3 times a day, that would last 4 months."


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