Hi folks,

My name is Jeff. I believe I've posted only once or twice before and
I very much appreciate the helpful replies. I've been down flat with
Lyme Disease lately so have been mostly reading the mail.

I have a few questions pertaining to CS generating that I would
appreciate your opinions on.

I'm planning to use HVAC at 20KV for my generator. My understanding is
that the typical setup consists of one electrode in the water and the other
slightly above the water by some dimension. The electrode that is not in contact
with the water, is it parallel to the water or is it vertical with the gap 
it's end and the water?  How large a volume of water is most practical with this
type of setup?

I noticed the use of higher voltages in DC setups...I believe approximately 
Can you tell me the advantage of the higher voltage?  I assume both electrodes
are submerged?  Would there be more of an advantage in using even higher
DC voltages, say 1kv or more?

Thank you for assistance. May God Bless you all!


Jeff Madore

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