Has anyone on the list mized CS and MSM together?  Was it beneficial for any 

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Jeffrey A. Madore 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, October 11, 1999 11:33 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>HV AC/DC Tech Questions

  Hi Bob & List
  Thanks for the information and your experience with 380vdc. 

  I will also try the lower voltage method that you mention.
  Would I be correct in saying that anything that increases the 

  current density seems to result in larger particles. I'm thinking
  about charging lead acid batteries, and how excessive current
  damages the plates and results in sludge at the bottom.
  So, anything that increases current flow (impurities in water 

  or increased voltage) would result in speeding up the operation
  at the expence of generating larger particles.
  Would it then be bennifical to use electrodes with a larger 

  surface area?
  Thanks for the HV warning!  I've also worked with industrial 

  power generation equipment and have a healthy respect for
  the damage it can cause.
  The 20kv supply that I mentioned is current limited thus, it wont 

  produce enough to ionize much air, resulting in a lightning bolt!
  I get about a 2" arc max. I must admit, there's just something about
  high voltage that excites me!
  One other question (pardon my ignorance) What coming disaster? 

  God Bless, 

  Jeff - K1LE 

Bob wrote:
Lvdc (28-36v) makes excellent CS, if you use continually stirring and polarity
switching solves the cathode treeing and reduces the sludge.

  If you are not properly trained in high voltage then stay away from it. It 
can kill or
  burn your house down. (during my nine year in Centrally America I ran an 
  utility, and I know high voltage hazards.)

  The first time you draw an two foot arc with that 20 Kv it will scare the 
"hell" out
  of you.

  I plan on one more entry in this is then I must check out to get ready for 
the coming

  "Ole Bob"
