What I have wondered is whether a minimal dose of oral cayenne, hardly discernable, would be sufficient to tell the stomach what is coming so that a capsule of the stuff could be administered separately to do the work. I wondered whether that would be enough to avoid the unexpected arrival of hot stuff in the stomach. Maybe tiny bit of cayenne in a little bit of soup?

On 10/10/2012 5:10 AM, Jane MacRoss wrote:
Well he sure tasted the cayenne before he got the pill down the face told me that and we pulled him out of the stroke he had a month ago with zero lasting impact. But yes I can try him with minimal amounts to keep up the good work :) Thanks Zoe!

    Cayenne pills are not good.  You have to get the taste in your
    mouth to trigger the stomach secretions that protect the stomach

    Try using even less  and work his way up.  The capsaicin in the
    cayenne is the pain killer  and it really works.

    Keep diluting until you find a level that he can tolerate.  It is
    an acquired taste so after time you will be able to give him even
