ROFL - didn't he do a routine glucometer check? I've only had M in a semi 
conscious state once and brought him out of it with the phone support of my 
then doc - 100u/s Insulin it took over 4 hours - since then I have been more 
careful This was around 5 years ago - any time the glucometer goes out of range 
I just give Insulin until it's normal(ish) again. He runs higher than the 
accepted norm anyway. 

I wonder if it is something to do with the diabetes than makes them so 
sensitive to peppery stuff?  Could be.  Salt is another thing the pancreas 
needs and this man tolerates a heap of salt!  (Usually the Celtic variety - I 
haven't tried him with the bamboo one yet)

Speaking of salt they are offering 3 - 4kg blocks in the produce store 
Himalayan Salt licks (for the cattle) for $12 which I thought was a good price.

I have heard that diabetes (and appendicitis) are due to chronic constipation?

  From: Renee 

  My poor Dad.  He couldn't tolerate anything hot at all.  He was diabetic and 
one day my Mom and I were shopping.  When we came in Dad was in his chair, out 
of it, kind of slumped over and not responsive.  I thought he had a stroke or 
heart attack so I got out my super hot cayenne tincture and put a dropper full 
in his mouth.  Swallow response was instinctive.  Gave him a second dropper 
full.  Was putting the third dropper up to his mouth and his hand slowly came 
up and he waved 'no'-so I stopped.  I thought-if he can do that, that's enough 
cayenne maybe.


  Mom had of course called the ambulance while I was doing this and about then 
they came running up to the door.  When they checked he was actually in a 
diabetic 'coma' rather than a heart issue.  They rushed him to the hospital 
where they straightened him out.  He came home the next day.


  For about 3 days he could barely whisper and kept saying 'they must have put 
something down my throat because it's so sore'.  Lol  I didn't dare tell him I 
dosed him with habannero cayenne tincture.  


