Have you tried silver tetroxide?  This more active form of ionic silver is
quite effective.  Go to alternative-health-concepts.com  SilverBiotics makes
it.  It cured my dog of a severe gall bladder infection (mucoseal) in two
days.  Good luck.





From: David AuBuchon [mailto:aubuchon.da...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 17, 2012 3:08 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>Making silver colloids from silvernitrate and trisodium citrate


The reason I am trying to try things like this is because my bugs are not
dying.  If I take a swig of 1000PPM silver citrate, I get a herx, but I am
not ready to do that regularly as I am afraid of argyria.  I have also taken
a few drops of 15,000PPM silver citrate with barely noticeable response.
Other things I have thought of doing are drops of super concentrated silver
nitrate, but there are warnings that it may not be safe to contact tissues
at higher PPMs, so I am shy about that.  And then also that may turn me blue
eventually.  Silver nitrate can supposedly reach like 2 million PPM at


Well, then I suppose another approach is trying super concentrated silver
colloids.  I feel a little better about that since I have not heard of
anyone getting argyria from silver colloids, but tell me if I am wrong. Also
no one has complained about toxicity of lower PPM silver colloid
suspensions.  One claimed method is using the "reducing agent" from


They only recently started selling it separately.  Though I would need a
high PPM ionic solution in order to convert to colloids in the first place.
I suppose I could just see what happens if I mixed it with silver citrate or
silver nitrate solutions in that case.


And then there is this method:


Apparently, you can mix silver nitrate and trisodium citrate to make
colloidal silver.  The method described in the paper would yield
approximately 100PPM colloidal silver assuming it all gets converted.  This
begs the question if the same process would work for much higher
concentrations, perhaps making say 1000PPM silver colloids?  


And also, I was reading some other forum where people were mentioning using
cinnamon extract to make silver colloids.  Anyone know anything about that? 




Trisodium citrate supplier:


Silver nitrate facts and supplier:



