
I wonder if you shouldn't try MMS.  They have some new protocols which
aren't so harsh as their initial recommendations for dosing.
I probably wouldn't take MMS and silver at the same time.  If you do take
the MMS orally, take it at low doses every hour during the day (eg: 8
doses) and make sure to take your anti-oxidants and supplements at night.


On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 11:02 PM, David AuBuchon

> I've tried tons of stuff for biofilm which I believe is a likely part of
> the holdup for me.   Liposomal EDTA, Wobenzym, Interfase enzymes,
> lumbrokinase, serrapeptase, nattokinase, cistus tea, cistus tincture, maybe
> some other things.  About to try something called Rechts Regulat.
> My bad bugs are probably bartonella and mycoplasma.  I think I have
> basically eliminated lyme and that it was never my real problem.
> My EIS adventures began 3 years ago roughly.  If I stop taking all
> antimicrobials for a few weeks, I feel bugs coming back.  For the most
> part, EIS is what I have used these years to maintain the progress that I
> have made.
> Recently, I have been able to successfully open the front in the
> intestines.  Taking minocycline seems to have punched holes in the gut
> biofilm and now many antimicrobials that stopped working now work again in
> the intestines.  But the front I can;t get anywhere with is systemic bugs
> in the blood vessels.  On 3 occasions taking various Rx antibiotics caused
> herx systemically and big improvement all within the first 24 hours.  Then
> 24 hours later, that antiobiotic is forever a placebo...very crafty bugs.
> I got some more Rx antibotics lined up, but I have to do some other things
> first for various reasons.
> If I take 20grams of lipo C I do actually get a small systemic herx.  Lipo
> C also basically cured me of side effects from minocycline which are
> supposed to occur even in healthy people (dizziness, head pressure).
> I have tried ASAP Health Max 30 PPM, which is the same as Silver Biotics.
> Salt Lake Metals lists 2570grams per liter as the solubility of Silver
> Nitrate (and it goes up to like 7,000 g/l at higher temperatures!).  That
> is 2.5 million milligrams per liter.  I was calling that 2.5 million PPM,
> which as you said, does not make any sense at all =).  But by my
> calculations, pure liquid silver comes out to be about 9 million milligrams
> per liter.
> The two things I have that have produced any systemic effect thus far are
> lipo-C and 1000PPM silver citrate.  My bowels get loose with much more than
> about 20 grams lipo-C.  So that really leaves silver as the sensible place
> for me to look for some innovative new way to kill bugs...Hence my interest
> in that method of making colloidal silver at high concentrations.
> David
> On Wed, Oct 17, 2012 at 5:33 PM, Steve G <chube...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> 2 million PPM is, by definition, impossible.  A bar of 100.00% pure
>> silver would be 1 million PPM, and you can't get more than 100%.
>> --- On *Wed, 10/17/12, David AuBuchon <aubuchon.da...@gmail.com>* wrote:
>> From: David AuBuchon <aubuchon.da...@gmail.com>
>> Subject: CS>Making silver colloids from silvernitrate and trisodium
>> citrate
>> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
>> Date: Wednesday, October 17, 2012, 6:07 PM
>> The reason I am trying to try things like this is because my bugs are not
>> dying.  If I take a swig of 1000PPM silver citrate, I get a herx, but I am
>> not ready to do that regularly as I am afraid of argyria.  I have also
>> taken a few drops of 15,000PPM silver citrate with barely noticeable
>> response.   Other things I have thought of doing are drops of super
>> concentrated silver nitrate, but there are warnings that it may not be safe
>> to contact tissues at higher PPMs, so I am shy about that.  And then also
>> that may turn me blue eventually.  Silver nitrate can supposedly reach like
>> 2 million PPM at saturation.
>> Well, then I suppose another approach is trying super concentrated silver
>> colloids.  I feel a little better about that since I have not heard of
>> anyone getting argyria from silver colloids, but tell me if I am wrong.
>> Also no one has complained about toxicity of lower PPM silver colloid
>> suspensions.  One claimed method is using the "reducing agent" from
>> silverlungs:
>> http://shop.silverlungs.com/ProductDetails.asp?ProductCode=AGENT
>> They only recently started selling it separately.  Though I would need a
>> high PPM ionic solution in order to convert to colloids in the first place.
>>  I suppose I could just see what happens if I mixed it with silver citrate
>> or silver nitrate solutions in that case.
>> And then there is this method:
>> http://www.ktu.edu/lt/mokslas/zurnalai/medz/medz0-87/03%20Electronic...(pp.287-291).pdf
>> Apparently, you can mix silver nitrate and trisodium citrate to make
>> colloidal silver.  The method described in the paper would yield
>> approximately 100PPM colloidal silver assuming it all gets converted.  This
>> begs the question if the same process would work for much higher
>> concentrations, perhaps making say 1000PPM silver colloids?
>> And also, I was reading some other forum where people were mentioning
>> using cinnamon extract to make silver colloids.  Anyone know anything about
>> that?
>> ...
>> Trisodium citrate supplier:
>> http://www.alfa.com/en/gp100w.pgm?dsstk=36439
>> Silver nitrate facts and supplier:
>> http://www.saltlakemetals.com/Silver_Nitrate_Solution.htm
>> http://www.saltlakemetals.com/Solubility_Of_Silver_Nitrate.htm
>> David
> --
> David
> Mobile service pays you <http://healingresearch.net/free4g/>
> My health website <http://healingresearch.net>