Ivan Anderson wrote:

>  PPM reading was supplied by a silver Ion Selective Electrode.
> Water was Purified Water BP and read 1uS before electrolysis.

Prior to purchasing our spectrophotometer and silver kit, I check into using a
silver ion selective electrode for measuring ppm.  I was told that it measures
the number of ions (amount of charge) assuming the normal mobility of silver
ions, and that silver colloid would not produce a correct measurement due to
there typically being less charge on each particle than the number of atoms in
the particle, and due to the mobility being different than for one ion.

To use it properly one has to digest the silver so that you have silver
nitrate first, then use the probe on the residual silver nitrate.  This is
exactly the same process I have to go through with the spectrophotometer for
ppm measurements.

I was wanting to verify that you were indeed digesting the colloidal silver
before using the probe.  If so this is a very interesting set of curves.



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