Dear Paula,
    We have achieved excellent response to the application of  95% (BY
protocol medium-----applied generously (2 to 3 drops) via eye-dropper;
 for a whole litany of various eye insults....... practically all of
the menu of the most frequent bacterial and/or viral insults
presenting as surface presentations on the eye....and the skin
surfaces interfacing with the eyeball proper.  These results were
achieved in the vast majority of our evaluations
involving our EXPERIMENTAL medical evaluations...
for both animal pets and human volunteer populations.
        The principal reason for limiting the DMSO fraction to because of the very HIGH hygroscopic characteristic
exhibited by DMSO.  e.g.
DMSO displays a VERY HIGH affinity for water and
will generate moderate---but sometimes disturbing.....
temperature rises as it rushes to combine with the water molecule.
However, DMSO is NOT A TISSUE BURNER....and does not (at least  in our
inflict true organic damage on sensitive living tissue....
(including the eyes) even in concentrations as high as 25% strength
DMSO (BY VOLUME).   However, at
such high concentrations, the subject would experience
VERY UNCOMFORTABLE effects from the---momentary----tissue-warming effects.
         However, in some cases,involving extensive
conjunctivitis of the eye-lid surfaces......a short-term, but
sometimes alarming (to the subject) stinging will
present-----even though it will abate within 3o to 6o seconds-----in
all of the cases within our experience.

Sincerely,    Brooks Bradley.
p.s.  It might be of value for list members to consider the useful
application of DMSO---at strengths up to 99% concentration-----as a
direct address for "ingrown" toe nails and heavily-calloused areas of
the foot (the tissue-softening effects are...many times....
superlative----and immediate, (especially when combined with a CS
component for pathogen control..

On Sat, Oct 27, 2012 at 9:12 AM, Paula Perry <> wrote:
> I hope someone has a good suggestion for a stye in the eye. I put cs in it a 
> few times and don't see anything happening. I am not sure of the strength of 
> the cs because the generator didn't seem to stay on very long. Anything else 
> that works?
> Thanks,
> Paula
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