Dear Brooks,
Your post referenced below caught my eye. I have a daughter with a scaly patch on her lower lip. She had it biopsied some time ago and it came back as hemangioma. Surgical removal was recommended, but hasn't happened yet. It continues to slough off every few days, and seems to be spreading. I am wondering if your protocol below might help that. However I am not clear on it-- please clarify if possible.
It seems to be
25-50% by volume DMSO
25% 10 ppm colloidal silver
25% supersaturated sodium bicarb solution.

So if we used the lower range of DMSO, what would make up the other 25%, to bring it to 100%?

Thanks so much!
Beth H

  One simple protocol we found useful...and effective for topical
address of a majority of the fungal insults ...was a solution
containing any of a range of DMSO strengths from 25% to 50% (by
volume), mixed with 25% (by volume) supersaturated sodium bicarbonate
(e.g. where limit of solution dissolved is reached....  Identifiable
by the fact that undissolved  sodium fraction will start to collect in
the bottom of your mixing  container). Adding 25% (by volume) 10 ppm
colloidal silver is a useful option.  This is a very forgiving
compound and may be used on experimental subjects with confidence (at
least we have found it so) to be free of contravening effects.
      Just apply, generously, to the affected areas
every 2 to 4 hours for one 24 hour period and once
every 6 hours for the following 48 hour period....
yielded excellent results for a majority of ALL skin
surface insults we tested in our research.
  I hope these comments are of value to your
experimental investigations.
 I must go now.
     Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.
p.s.  Additionally, we found a majority of all skin carcinomas (as
well as those presenting in the mouth and upper throat)  responded
VERY POSITIVELY  to repeated spraying ( once every two hours during
day using a 10% (by volume) DMSO X saturated bicarbonate of soda
solution (by volume) .....continued  on a 2 hour interval
basis------until favorably resolved, or a maximum of 14 days total.

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