Capping just would reduce the amount of CS exposed to stomach acid before 
moving onward.. IS(Ionic Silver) does not bunch up to make CS(Colloidal 
Silver). CS is metallic silver particules, no ions at all! When taking CS for a 
while you would want to take a probiotic about 1 to 2 hours after the CS. There 
is no doubt that IS & CS help! I have over 20 people who directly can atest to 
this. As with everything  the dose must be approate to the application and the 

 From: Neville Munn <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Thursday, November 1, 2012 9:19 AM
Subject: RE: CS>More anti-Ag propaganda

Ah Hah.  OK, just out of interest I'll continue with this line of thought for a 
bit Mike, if you have no objections.  If a given silver product is designed to 
be released in the small intestine {and I am obviously referring to particulate 
silver here} then my assumption would be *that* is where the start of the 
'friendly flora' problems would originate, i.e. in the intestine, *that* would 
make some sense.

Dependant on the amount of silver, i.e. particulate silver, being introduced or 
released into the intestine would dictate how severe that flora would be 
affected, hence the perceived necessity for the addition of a probiotic to be 

While it's an interesting concept, at this point in time I am unable to support 
such a concept.  On the face of it, it seems one would be trying to eradicate 
one problem only to create or encourage another?  As the silver passes through 
affecting the 'friendly flora' the probiotic follows behind replacing it.  That 
poses the question of how long after the ingestion of a given silver product 
would one need to ingest a probiotic?  Can't be immediately after as there is 
the possibility of the remnants of silver remaining affecting the probiotic, 
and if it's too long after then the preceding silver efficacy may be 
compromised, meaning the person is back to square one?

I just don't see the point or benefit when our product contains a given 
quantity of particles anyway.  I think it's 'techno-babble' personally.  Could 
be wrong, but I'd need more convincing before I'd ever entertain the idea of 
purchasing any product such as this.  Correct me if I'm wrong here but 
particles are clusters of ions are they not?  Does that mean 'their' particles 
are of a different structure or nature, i.e. powdered silver for example?


> Subject: RE: CS>More anti-Ag propaganda
> From:
> To:
> Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2012 07:37:24 -0400
> On Thu, 2012-11-01 at 15:00 +1100, Neville Munn wrote:
> > If it's capped, which I presume means it's encapsulated, then where
> > abouts in the body does that 'capping' get stripped away releasing the
> > silver if it isn't stripped in the stomach?
> Standard gelatin or the alternative "veggie" capsules dissolve in the
> stomach, as I understand it. However, most of us have probably
> encountered "enteric coated" capsules that are designed to survive the
> stomach environment and dissolve in the duodenum or small intestine. 
> There are enzymes and other excretions (bile, pancreatic enzymes, etc.)
> that are introduced into the duodenum (the part of the GI tract just
> after the stomach) that neutralize stomach acid and continue digestion.
> Design your pill to be broken down by *those* excretions, but not by the
> acid and enzyomes of the stomach, and you'll get targeted release. 
> Presumably that's what they've done with "enteric coating."
> Be well,
> Mike D.
> --
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