Date: Fri, 2 Nov 2012 07:22:00 -0700
Subject: Re: CS>More anti-Ag propaganda

Yes LVDC makes true CS, you must use a reducing agent for complete reduction
Ag ions are reduced to the "metallic" silver, Ag ions will not clump together 
by themselves because they have a like charge"+"
Check in with cgcsforum for more complete info
## Who's the Administrator, or who runs or started that site?
PM me those details if you want.
        From: Neville Munn <>
 To: "" <> 
 Sent: Friday, November 2, 2012 2:33 AM
 Subject: RE: CS>More anti-Ag propaganda

OK, class is in <g>, maybe you can answer these for me James.
(1) Does LVDC equipment actually produce *true metallic* silver particles?
A percentage of Ag+ ions are lost to particle formation consisting of a number 
of those ions clustering together to form that particle.
(2) Can I assume our product actually contains three (3) types of silver, i.e. 
Ag+ ions, ion clusters which have formed particles, and actual stand alone 
genuine metallic particles?
(3) How is an actual metallic silver particle formed, and how is it produced if 
there are no ions 'at all' in the solution?
Maybe a question (4), how do their particles differ from ours in structure or 
formation when/if using the electrolysis process?
I probly should clarify that I am referring to LVDC produced products such as 
we make in our kitchens.
  I believe purchased products are generally produced using HVDC or HVAC 
methods which I would assume would still contain a percentage of ions along 
with the particles, maybe in far less numbers perhaps, but present all the 
same?  If there are no ions at all present, then how do they get metallic 
particles *only* without any ions?

Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2012 22:09:08 -0700
Subject: Re: CS>More anti-Ag propaganda

Capping just would reduce the amount of CS exposed to stomach acid before 
moving onward.. IS(Ionic Silver) does not bunch up to make CS(Colloidal 
Silver). CS is metallic silver particules, no ions at all! When taking CS for a 
while you would want to take a probiotic about 1 to 2 hours after the CS. There 
is no doubt that IS
 & CS help! I have over 20 people who directly can atest to this. As with 
everything  the dose must be approate to the application and the person.