Try drinking more water, everyone I have seen, was dehydrated.

Tel Tofflemire

 From: Ole Alstrup <>
To: "" <>; 
"" <> 
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2012 10:05 AM
Subject: Sv: Re: CS>Muscle spasms

I haven't been able to get through to the list for more than a week, Gary the 
list owner doesn't respond to my mails too. 
Please look into transdermal magnesium oil therapy using Zechstein magnesium 
hexahydrate chloride,  brine or evaporated crystals. This is lightyears ahead 
of any oral supplementation. Unbelievable stuff,  I use it myself. 
Best Wishes 

Sendt fra Yahoo! Mail på Android 

 From:  Gary Hilt <>; 
To:  <>; 
Subject:  Re: CS>Muscle spasms 
Sent:  Mon, Nov 12, 2012 4:35:14 PM 

Hey Dave
appreciate your help. There seems to be a consensus about the magnesium.

On Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 11:32 AM, Dave Darrin <> wrote:

>  I was never addicted but after I quit drinking I had the same problem,
>It takes not less than 500mg of magnesium, morning and again at night to 
>If I skip just one dose I get cramps.
>On Sun, Nov 11, 2012 at 8:18 PM, Gary Hilt <> wrote:
>Hey yall
>>i have been experiencing muscle spasms all over for over 7 years since 
>>recovering from alcohol addiction. The doctors have no clue. its 
>>not potassium depletion. We eat and drink lots of veggies etc.
>>i wondered if any of yall have any ideas???
>>Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord 
>>Jesus Christ. 
>>Gary & Lennie


Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord 
Jesus Christ. 
Gary & Lennie