Hi Rob:
One other thing you may wish to try is one drop of tea tree oil to 8
drops of olive oil, use cotton batten if necessary to keep oil in the
ear. Alternate with CS. Hope this is of some help to you.


> Rob Lowe wrote:
> Hi!
> My wife has an ear infection. The Doctor prescribed an antibiotic
> which she is unwilling to take due to previous unpleasant experiences
> with thrush.
> Apart from taking an increased dose of oral CS, has anyone any
> experience in placing CS directly
> in the ear. As a rough guess I would say that it would be safe and
> effective. If you can place it directly in the eyes
> then its use for ears should be effective and safe?
> We use a home brewed CS which is around 10ppm.
> Anyone help!
> Thanks, Rob

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