You wrote:
                     <Are you saying that the Mullein Oil restored hearing,or
reduced infection, or both? >

                      I will quote verbatim from page 212 Section D under 
Medicines from the Health Manual " Guide to Health " of the Fr.Muller Charitable
Institutions, Department-Homeopathic Poor Dispensary, Kankandy,Mangalore,South
India. This book is compiled by Rev.Fr.Augustus Muller,based on the research 
gleaned from medical records of patients treated.

    **  Mullein Oil **

         In all inflammations of the ear,in abscess and suppuration in the
ear,acute and chronic,Mullein Oil is very effective. It allays the pain,removes
secretions and stops discharges. It is a specific for deafness,whether due to
inflammation,bathing or collection of wax or coming on gradually without any
apparent cause.It should be dropped into the ear twice a day or oftener,in cases
of sever pain. The ear should be protected with a pledget of cotton wool. In 
of pain around the ear and the adjacent parts of the face,Mullein Oil pure or
mixed with a little glycerine or oil,should be rubbed in several times a day.

                  It is interesting to note that:

             Mullein Oil cures incontinence of urine in the young and the
aged;wetting the bed at night,constant dripping of urine,or frequent urging to
urinate. In these affections,it should be given internally,2 to 5 drops in a
spoonful of water two to four times a day. As the case improves,give less

              Its power in reducing pain and swelling is admirable. Similarly,in
inflammation and enlargement of lymphatic glands,it can be used externally with
success. Its use will prevent suppuration.

               In orchitis,[inflammation of the testicle] it should be applied
externally several times; a piece of lint dipped in a solution of 10 to 30 drops
of Mullein Oil and 1 oz water or olive oil.

               In bronchitis,pharyngitis and consumption,it should be rubbed on
the neck and chest. It promptly controls the irritating cough and hoarseness.

            With regards

Charles King wrote:

> On Sat, 16 Oct 1999 23:22:47 +0700, fhlew <> wrote:
> > I have received very good feedback from patients who are
> >partially deaf using Mullein Oil.
> Lew
> Are you saying that the Mullien Oil restored hearing, or reduced infection, or
> both?
>                                                         Chuck
> What do macrobiotic cats eat?   Brown mice!
> --
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