The problem is that the electrochemicals being produced build up in the skin because the skin doesn't have much blood flow rate to dilute them as fast as they are being made.
Those are "chemical" burns.
5 ways to prevent..can all be used at once or any in part.

Reduce voltage [potentiometer]
Reduce electrolyte dilute it with more water [does the same thing as the pot, but in a different spot] Increase electrode pad area to spread concentration of electro chemicals over a larger volume of blood flow.
Use zapper for a few minutes and take a few off.
Switch polarity to neutralize that particular electro-chemical with it's opposite.


If one applies a DC current to a bucket of salt water, it will split into Hypochlorous Acid and Sodium Hydroxide.[ an alkaline base...aka LYE ] That substance was being promoted as a super duper house hold cleaner...with a very short shelf life.

The Hypochlorous Acid is a grand disinfectant.
The Sodium Hydroxide, a great de-greaser [like Formula 409 ]

Then, there is MMS [ "Miracle Mineral Supplement"...which looks like everything BUT that, having nothing to to with supplementing minerals ] made from Sodium Chlorite being used to get rid of parasites and germs in the blood stream..easy enough to over dose on and make you feel really ill. [Careful there]

THEN..there is the Godzilla Zapper, a very simple and cheap device that can be made using junk around the house...used for "blood electrification".



Electricity doesn't flow through a conductive liquid like it would a metal wire, it transports electrons via chemical reactions ....."Electro-chemistry"


The Zapper cannot be working by the method claimed...but there is much that indicates that it does work.
How could that be?!!!


So what is the human body but a bag of salt water ? [rather than a bucket of salt water]

If one electrode is Alkalizing and the other is Acidifying and you get salt when the two chemicals meet up and recombine, what could that potential be used for?

1] You have a MMS analog with it's own antidote being produced in vivo using a simple Zapper. [ A couple of AA batteries, some wire and a couple of sponges soaked with salt water]
....too much? [burning and itching??]
Turn it down or shut it off. [let the build up dissipate]

2] You have an Alkaline situation at the OTHER electrode being made in vivo ....with ITs antidote lurking just around the bend......

Both made from existing salt, going back to salt.

That's chemo therapy with immediate dosage control and location control as well...and no toxins left over after recombination.

At 11:58 AM 12/26/2012 -0800, you wrote:
Although I wrapped the copper handholds in a layer of wet paper towel I ended up with a burn on the side on which I felt the estim most. I'm used to working with units that have an amplitude adjustment and this zapper does not. I was running 15 Hz.

Would someone tell me what I can do to avoid this happening again. It happened once before so I know from experience that they take awhile to heal.
