Should GMO food be blended, or juiced?  Which is better?  

From: Alan Jones 
Sent: Friday, 04 January, 2013 16:39
Subject: CS>blending versus juicing

Apologies if this is too off topic or covered before.

Is there any consensus in the blender versus juicing debate, wrt which one (a) 
damages nutrients less and (b) which results in the most absorb-able output?

I read lots of claims both ways but I wonder if there is any real evidence 
supporting any of the claims? 

It seems logical to me that both do about the same amount of "damage" to the 
food, even the expensive juicers like a Norwalk, no?

Alan Jones

"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor 
prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to 
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