For periodic deworming, I use Hulda Clark's protocol. Since I have farm
animals, I deworm myself at least annually. The first time I did it, I
doubled my energy. Amazing! Or has a good dewormer called Para
Shield. You can find it in some health food stores.

When you are dealing with pinworms, there is one trick that makes a huge
difference. Wear cotton gloves to bed. The worms crawl out of the anus at
night when it is a little relaxed and lay the eggs in the folds around the
anus. They secrete an acid, so a person or animal itches. They scratch, get
the eggs under their fingernails and recycle them into the mouth. It is a
smart system for the worms, but wearing cotton gloves at night will break
the chain. I know this because I had pinworms as a child and remember the
tricks of the little beasties.
Another thing is to treat EVERYONE in the household. If one has worms, it
is almost guaranteed everyone will have them.
Gayla Chepourkoff
Always Enough Ranch
Wallace CA