I've been getting Nutiva VCO from Swanson's which is more expensive, but the 
flavor is VERY mild which we like. How is the flavor of Tropical Traditions? 
(We do't have Costco in upstate NY)

Be well,
On Feb 6, 2013, at 1:27 PM, brick...@aol.com wrote:

> Our local Costco is now selling coconut oil for $20 per gallon. I think that 
> beats Tropical Traditions price.
> Brickey
> In a message dated 2/6/2013 10:17:38 A.M. Pacific Standard Time, 
> sol...@sweetwaterhsa.com writes:
> I am on the Tropical Traditions mailing list, and a couple times a year 
> they run one day specials of free shipping. A 5 gallon container of 
> coconut with free shipping is a very good deal!
> sol