I remembered reading about Manuka honey and Cataracts.
Quickly looked and found some information. I am sure there
is much more and maybe better but just to get you started exploring
what may help here are a couple of links.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBjcK1U4flI  They do sting a bit. The ones I
made I mixed 2:1 with distilled water.
I used them for an eye infection and they worked really well for that. I
also used them on my dog post eye surgery
and had good success with a budding infection in her eye. The honey I used
had a UMF of 12.
(Unique Manuka Factor, they don't know exactly what it is in the honey
besides the Peroxide effects thus the UMF, how they measure
for this I don't know!).

Wishing you the best in your search. Do let us know what you try and how it
works out. : )

http://www.indiadivine.org/showthread.php?t=1016455  This talks about water
filtered through Pascalite.

On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 4:04 PM, Melody Watts <piratel...@verizon.net> wrote:

> **
>  Hi All,
> My name is Melody ,I'm 60 yrs old and live in So Calif. I was refered over
> to this list by Rose from the yahoogroup "blacksalveandpetswithcancer".
> She is a dear lady ,and thought you guys may be able to help.
>  I have joined the list to gain knowledge on a product I have used ,in the
> beginning only for my animals and now for my self.
> I buy my Cs thru Bio Alternatives online,as I am a klutz at making
> anything requireing math skills .
> I use it for my pets for wound cleaning,upset tummy,bad food,
> I gargle with it for sore throats have used it as a wound wash for me and
> use it in a spray bottle as an odor elimanator.
>  But what I need to know now is :** if anyone has used CS as an eye drop
> to treat beginning cataract development.**
>  I got DX with them last week ( both eye) and of course the Dr.wants to
> "fix" then for me.
> Another list I'm on sugested using** MSM powder & CS as eye drops**.
> Would like to hear any feed back re: this fromula or any alternative ideas.
> I'm not "into" surgery, on my eyes, bit of a chicken on that idea ,so  any
> ideas?
> Thanks
> ,Melody