Hi, Melody.

I have tried CS and all the other things that I have read about for cataracts and finally decided that the only answer was surgery. I am 80, almost 81, and had surgery at 77. It was simple, and Medicare paid for most of it. You are not quite at Medicare age, but you may want to wait. Both my wife and I have had the surgery, and we both really like the results.

The only recommendation is to find a good doctor that does lots of cataract surgerys so they know what they are doing.

On 2/6/2013 4:04 PM, Melody Watts wrote:

Good luck,
Gene Wolfe
Dallas, TX
Hello and question..

 Hi All,
My name is Melody ,I'm 60 yrs old and live in So Calif. I was refered over to this list by Rose from the yahoogroup "blacksalveandpetswithcancer".