Thanks, Mike.  It is nice to get to know you a bit.  Where is up North for you? 
I'm in northern Florida.

From: M.G. Devour <>
Sent: Sun, April 14, 2013 5:21:30 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Garden... was: test

> The list has been so quiet...

Yeah, I noticed the same thing. <grin>

It's spring for all of us in the northern hemisphere. The garden and
yard beckon as the weather sloooowwwly edges towards warmth. This'll be
our second summer since putting in the garden. Last year we didn't plant
'til late June and it was a short season for us. This time we'll be able
to get a proper early start.

Our broccoli did well, along with tomatoes, pea pods, and squash. I
especially enjoyed the halapeno and cayenne peppers. Such robust little
plants and pretty fruits! They give you the sense of scrappy fighters
that just keep producing. <LOL>

This year we're trying garlic. The bulbs went in last fall and all seem
to have survived the winter. They're aggressively pushing up through the

Happy spring to the northerners, and best wishes for a bountiful harvest
to y'all in the south!

Be well,

Mike D.


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