Tom Bellino wrote:

> We have a AC adapter  120AC to 9Volt ,  500 MA . Can this be used 
> in place of a 9 volt battery? 

If it's output is Direct Current, yes. At the current you'll actually 
draw, the voltage will be somewhat higher, maybe 12-15 volts. But 
that's just fine.

> We also have 3 l2 V 2ah batteries with
> charger. Is it possible to use 2 of these  as a power supply?

Go ahead and use all three. Some of us have used four 9-volt 
batteries for 36 volts.

You'll might want to throw a current limiting resistor in line with 
things, so that dead short current will not exceed a few milliamps. 
Assuming that you're using a couple of silver wire electrodes, this 
will prevent peak current from getting above a milliamp or so.

It takes longer to brew this way, but you'll generate smaller 
particles on average.

> Just recently joined the list and have a ton of questions and will
> appreciate all the help I can get. Greatly confused by some of the
> terms used in posts. 

This is just my two cents. Others will have their own suggestions, 
many of which have more to back them than I do! <grin>

This CS biz, just like any other technical subject, has its own
jargon. However, you'll discover after a while that we are far *less*
prone to hand-waving and pseudo techno-babble than most of the
marketing oriented sites out there, when it comes to the details of
making CS. 

The entire reason this list formed in the first place was to help 
each other figure out what was hype and what was real in the confused 
mess of CS marketing out there.

Today we have a number of vendors participating on the list. They are 
welcome, as long as they *don't* engage in bickering with each other 
over competing marketing ideas or overt promotion, and share their 
findings and experience with others freely.

Read everything you can, and you'll begin to see the picture. Keep 
asking questions and decide for yourself what's best from among the 
answers. It's all experimental. So you'll have to take responsibility 
for the things you try.

Welcome aboard, Tom. I wish you well.

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[                       ]
[Speaking only for myself...              ]

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