Hi there Tom,

All of those options will generate perfectly good CS.
Follow the link bellow to find a protocol for using a 9 Volt AC adaptor.
This is probably the simplest generator possible, but produces good
clear CS and is repeatable batch to batch.


I can supply you with a graph that shows expected concentration vs time,
let me know.
You will catch on to the jargon in no time.

Regards - Ivan.

----- Original Message -----
From: Tom Bellino <tbell...@nwa.quik.com>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Monday, 18 October 1999 22:58
Subject: CS>power supply

We have a AC adapter  120AC to 9Volt ,  500 MA . Can this be used  in
place of a 9 volt battery?
We also have 3 l2 V 2ah batteries with charger. Is it possible to use 2
of these  as a power supply?
Just recently joined the list and have a ton of questions and will
appreciate all the help I can get. Greatly confused by some of the terms
used in posts.
Tom Bellino the bookmender

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