You might  want to  try a  massage rub  with wild marjoram(thymus mastachine)
and hemp oil. tke the hemp internally in a smoothy or
something..flax..pumpkin seed oil and sesame seed oils  are all good
too. UdoErasmus has written a very definattive  book  called fats that
heal. google the title..probably on amazon.
On 8/12/13, Gary Hilt <> wrote:
> Its me again. i have been active everyday lost 48 pounds. i have tried,
> borage oil ViteE, potassium,sveral others calium/magnesium etc. i stillhave
> this annoying achesin hips and shoulders. i have used dmso and caposaisin
> australian dream cream.
> Any other ideas ??? MSM dont set with me so im looking for any
> antiinflammatory.
> i also use cayenne internally.
> Thanks a lot!
> --
> Eph 1:2  Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord
> Jesus Christ.
> Gary & Lennie

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