No. I strain it if it's water I've collected myself in buckets.
Also, I only like to drink it if it's been boiled.
Most of the time I get it from a friend's place. Recently with heavy rains I've just caught it in buckets from the overflow in a particular spot where it doesn't go through gutters and downpipes. I don't have much storage, so I'll be back to my friend's tank once my supply gives out. I'm in Australia, and the water comes pretty much straight from Antarctica, but I still don't trust it not to be chemically polluted via the world wide fallout. Also, there are coalmines in our beautiful forested part of the world, and I don't really trust the roof surfaces. At least the occasional biplane is probably not spraying chemtrails just here. Hah, I don't mean biplane, do I? We are not THAT far behind. Light aircraft. Must have read too much Biggles in my youth. Radiation - well, I'd rather have hundred year old water from below ground I suppose.
But not from the coal basin, not really.


On 14/08/2013 11:14 PM, Sarah Miller wrote:
Do you filter the rain water ? Do you also drink rain water? I am thinking of the chem trails as well as radiation. I am dehydrated and I have increased my water drinking; buying some out of machine and lately just boiling water which seems to make a little improvement for the day.
Thanks.  Looking for solutions.

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