There has been plenty written in the past about the link between Fluoridated water and arthritis, and the reasons behind it.

I thought I was all right; I used Reverse Osmosis water for years. About 30 years. Nice water, probably germ free.

Only recently did I read somewhere that RO water doesn't get rid of fluoride (though there are some expensive units which are claimed to do so).

Last year I started using rain water. I noticed after a while that it had become less dangerous for me to get out of the bath. Everything was still painful, but there were more things that were possible, if not pain free.

After some months we decided for the time being to replace the filters in the RO unit, which had been blocked all this time. We had been wondering whether to buy a new unit, and decided to postpone it, as we would have wanted the expensive one.

Almost immediately upon drinking the RO-filtered water, getting out of the bath returned to being a painful and dangerous task.

This was more valuable information to me than any "official" pronouncement. My own joints had spoken.

Since then I have only used rainwater for drinking. Ordinary tap water for bathing.

I am not doing all the other anti-arthritic things (well, I do make up some essential oil mixes), but that alone makes a difference. Not pain free, but able to do more than previously.


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