That guy that turned grey (blue) did not turn grey from anything that we
all take.
That said, I disagree with making our own colloidal silver being dangerous
(the article I have cited says that "true colloidal silver cannot be made
at home. I have to wonder where and how they came up with that.

My husband has made ours for many many years, way back in the early 90s or
late 80s (not sure exactly when), and we are very healthy for using it. Our
doctor knows we use it and even though he is not a fan of CS, he has said
to keep on doing what we are doing.

Read this and be comforted -- just don't believe that last line: I think
they put it in so as not to upset the pharmaceuticals. To right yourselves,
go to making your own colloidal silver and dozens of other pages that
endorse making your own CS.

Here is the article about the blue man being a farce, and it is disgusting
that the group that posted this had to use it to try to frighten us from
making our own CS.

The Blue Man Fraud

By now nearly everyone has seen the story about Paul Karason who the news
media has dubbed "The Blue Man". Although the news media has continually
said that he was taking colloidal silver, nothing could be further from the
truth. The Blue Man story became a major media disinformation event which
was produced by a public relations firm and paid for by a pharmaceutical
interest. The purpose of this campaign was to scare the public away from
using colloidal silver products. The tactic was to claim that the Blue
Man's condition was caused by his use of *colloidal silver* thus implying
that anyone who uses colloidal silver would suffer a similar fate. The
entire story as presented is a study in blatant misrepresentation. The fact
is that Paul has a condition called argyria that turns the skin a blue-gray
color. He got this condition by taking his *homemade silver compound* that
was mostly a highly concentrated ionic silver solution. When he prepared
the solution he believed he was making colloidal silver.* He was not making
colloidal silver.* To make the solution even more dangerous, he added salt
to the brew and then used electrolysis to make a high concentration of
silver chloride with large particles which is well known to cause argyria.
He further applied the compound to his skin causing him to become an
internal and external photographic plate. To finish himself off, he used a
tanning bed to "fix" the silver in his body. The moral of the story is to
know the difference between true colloidal silver and ionic silver or
silver proteins, and don't try to make either at home! (True colloidal
silver cannot be made at home.)

The Blue Man charade demonstrates once again that the mass media cannot be
trusted to report anything that even resembles a truthful "news" story. All
"news" today is propagated with an agenda just like the phony economic
statistics put out the U.S. government.

On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 9:55 AM, dAVId <> wrote:

> I have chronic leukemia, aka lymphoma, a compromised immune system and
> systemic candida.  I am take GSE which removes the biofilm protecting
> itself from medications, it removes the biofilm, and taking two teaspoons
> of store bought 500PPM CS.  I am pleased with my results, but some friends
> and relatives are concerned about negative affects of CS.
> I have been doing this protocol for a month, should I continue or should I
> fear turning grey?  david lubbock tx.
> On Mon, Dec 2, 2013 at 12:22 AM, Neville <> wrote:
>> Haven't got a website, but there are a few things on the Net one can
>> read.  It must be remembered though that care should be taken with the
>> interpretation of any reading material.
>> Vincent Goetsch has a downloadable piece of information titled -
>> "Colloidal Silver (An Analytical - Investigative Report and Theoretical
>> Overview) if you wish to read this.
>> Ronald J Gibbs - "Silver Colloids, Do They Work?".  Remember here that
>> this article is NOT about the so called Colloidal Silver, it's about the
>> Predominantly Ionic Silver solution, which is what can be made in your
>> kitchen.  He believed he was writing about 'Colloidal Silver' at the time
>> when in fact he was writing about an Ionic Silver Solution, so bare that in
>> mind if you read it as this specifically relates to what we make in our
>> home.
>> Not all writings are relevant to all things.  There is a difference
>> between what we produce in our homes using LVDC to what is purchased from
>> the shop, Re: Colloidal silver {of which most are not as they do not
>> satisfy accepted literature's definition of what constitutes a 'colloidal'
>> product} and the Predominantly Ionic Silver solution {the home kitchen
>> product}.
>> Accepted and popular literature states that a colloidal substance should
>> contain *over* 50% of the solute in particulate form in the solvent, an
>> Ionic substance contains less than 50% of the solute in particulate form
>> and over 50% in the *Ionic* form in the solvent.
>> Collect as much information as is possible, then weed out the wheat from
>> the chaff, the facts from the fiction, pick the bones fairly clean, then
>> after all that, you will still have to make some of your own determinations
>> or decisions on what information is worthy and what is not <g>.
>> N.
>> ------------------------------
>> Date: Sun, 1 Dec 2013 18:14:48 -0800
>> From:
>> To:
>> Subject: CS>Web site question
>> I am looking for a web site that I can give to friends who don't know
>> anything about EIS, to help properly educate them about it, when I give
>> them some EIS as a gift.  Does anyone have a suggestion?  This silver-list
>> would be too complicated for the "uninitiated"!  I was wanting to search
>> this list in case this topic had already been talked about in the archives,
>> but did not know what to search for.  If you have some search suggestions
>> for this topic, that would be helpful too.  FYI, I am pretty new to the
>> colloidal silver subject also, so you may need to spell things out pretty
>> clearly for me!!
>> Thanks,
>> Karis

"If those whom it behooves to speak are silent in the presence of evil,
then let any man speak that the truth may be heard and that righteousness
prevail." Howard Thurman