Hey Lena--Have Diabetes and undiagnosed Candida.  Have struggled with the suggested diet changes for years.  Finally
after 67 years stopped eating meat. Am a Virginetarian (4 mos).
Cream of Tartar???  How much, from Supermarket or Health Food Store?  How long did it take for you to start noticing changes??? 
This Candida thing is a real problem for me. I believe it impacts or might be a underlying cause of my Diabetes.  
Thank you thank you in advance.

I personally use Cream of Tartar for candida. I make my own (00) caps, and take 4x a day. It's supposed to 'drown' candida, and It has definitely lessened mine considerably. Not a doc, only a Lymie lab-rat, speaking from my personal experience. Everyone's different. 
Be well,  Léna