Ah how boring the world would be if we all thought the same <g>.
Yeah, I know it's not likely for anyone to be deficient in vitamin D here, but 
that doesn't stop people being told to partake of vitamin D supplements by 
their quacks here <rolling eyes and shrugging shoulders>.
Nice to hear you agree with me anyway….*food and vitamin deficiency*, that's 
what I said, people are looking in the wrong places, and good luck finding 
quality food containing all those yummy vitamins and minerals we need nowadays, 
that's why that line at the shop is growing longer of people waiting to buy 
supplements as each day passes.
Natural food is not the sustenance of the future, engineered food and pills are.
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2013 17:28:19 -0600
Subject: Re: CS>MS to Gary Hilt
From: bhangcha...@gmail.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com

Why don't you do some research on this.  I think you're full of it...

Not too likely to be low vitamin D in Australia, but if you never go out side 
without covering up and your diet is not good, especially if you have dark 
skin, maybe.  However, in Minnesota in the winter you are living off the fat of 
your land so to speak.  You will not make any vitamin D from sun.  Consider all 
the Somali women here with dark skin and everything but their face covered up.  
They are going to be vitamin D deficient if they don't eat food that provides a 
sufficient quantity.  Even light skinned people used to have to get dosed with 
cod liver oil for vitamins A and D.  Certain diseases increase in proportion to 
your distance from the equator.  There is a lot of thought that this is 
resulting from vitamin D deficiency. 

On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 4:17 PM, Neville <one.red...@hotmail.com> wrote:

This is not a reply to anyone, I'm just making a statement using a modicum of 
common sense.
I have never in my entire life heard of anything so ridiculous as low vitamin 
D.  If this were to be the case then we as a species are slowly dieing out and 
there is no hope for the continuance of civilisation.  It is only in recent 
times this low vitamin D thing has been bounced around the media, so my 
question would be *why* is there a prevalence to low vitamin D, it certainly 
ain't from lack of sunshine, again, if that were the case we would have been 
extinct years ago.

They even diagnose low D here in Australia...???  Have you ever heard of 
anything more ridiculous than that...???  We get around 364 days of sunshine a 
year here and some idiot suggests we a lacking in vitamin D…WHAT THE...???

That's if folks, it's all over Rover, we as a species are soon to become 
extinct from lack of vitamin D
Gary has come closest to the reason for lack of *any* vitamins, capitalism and 
the corporation are killing us slowly with poor quality food and drink in every 
supermarket and junk food joints, even our water supply is loaded with poison.  
Those who suggest poor ol' sun is to blame are barking up the wrong tree, the 
common man/woman should be looking at the food and produce which are being 
passed on to us for the answer to any vitamin deficiency.

I find it rather strange that those of a faith denounce abortion and stem cell 
research due interference with some 'God' plan, and yet they remain silent when 
foods are being tampered with and modified every day of the week, meet is being 
engineered in test tubes, soils are being depleted of natural minerals etc etc, 
and we consume such foodstuffs?

For those of a faith, may your God help you all because your fellow man 
certainly isn't.
No reply necessary.

From: k2p2...@centurytel.net

To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: RE: CS>MS  to Gary Hilt
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 2013 09:01:31 -0800

Add to that list low soil levels of
selenium…it causes white muscle disease in sheep and goats which I’m told is
the same as MS. Washington State has the lowest levels of Selenium in the
country and the highest rates of MS in the country.


From: Harold

Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2013
8:47 AM

To: silver-list@eskimo.com

Subject: CS>MS to Gary Hilt


In the northern climes MS is linked to a
severe lack of Vitamin D, low exposure to sunlight.Also, a persons pH is of
supreme importance.The general public on todays’ SAD [Standard American Diet]
regimen is usually highly acidic.The diet has to to be radically altered. this
will in most cases alleviate bloating and other gastric problems,ie GERD. I
know this from experience.A good supplement to take re acidic problem is
VAXA,which I get from iHerb

Anyone who has had a swimming pool,and/or
an Aquarium will know the value of the right pH [Potential Hydrogen].

This acidic condition is invariably
linked to serious diseases,especially cancer.

To test for pH get pH test paper marked
in .2 increments from 5.5 to 8.0; Diabetic test paper will not do !

You’re  listening to some one who
had to learn all this health stuff the hard way.

PS, I did have a swimming pool too.

The very best to you all for the coming

