Thanks for reminding me of brewers yeast, Ode.  It really is a wonderful 
supplement.  Did you use the standard dosage or did you increase it?

 From: Ode Coyote <>
Sent: Wednesday, January 1, 2014 8:01 AM
Subject: Re: CS>MS  to Gary Hilt

 That and B complex vitamins [ the relevant ones at
over 400% RDA ] from fortified brewers yeast, daily for a year...cured
the vibrations in my feet probably caused by a breakdown in nerve
Very high frequency, felt like wearing new fuzzy socks and could feel
every fiber.


At 12:06 PM 12/31/2013 -0800, you wrote:

WA probably also has one of the
lowest rates of sunshine in the US so that could also be involved - ie.
lack of Vitamin D.
>On 12/31/2013 9:01 AM, Vicky wrote:
>>Add to that list low soil levels of
selenium&it causes white muscle disease in sheep and goats which Im
told is the same as MS. Washington State has the lowest levels of
Selenium in the country and the highest rates of MS in the country.
>> From: Harold
>>Sent: Tuesday, December 31, 2013 8:47 AM
>>Subject: CS>MS to Gary Hilt
>>In the northern climes MS is linked to a severe lack of Vitamin D, low 
>>exposure to sunlight.Also, a persons pH is of supreme importance.The general 
>>public on todaysSAD [Standard American Diet] regimen is usually highly 
>>acidic.The diet has to to be radically altered. this will in most cases 
>>alleviate bloating and other gastric problems,ie GERD. I know this from 
>>experience.A good supplement to take re acidic problem is VAXA,which I get 
>>from iHerb
>>Anyone who has had a swimming pool,and/or an Aquarium will know the value of 
>>the right pH [Potential Hydrogen].
>>This acidic condition is invariably linked to serious diseases,especially 
>>To test for pH get pH test paper marked in .2 increments from 5.5 to 8.0; 
>>Diabetic test paper will not do !
>>Youre  listening to some one who had to learn all this health stuff the hard 
>>PS, I did have a swimming pool too.
>>The very best to you all for the coming year.

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