Hi, I'm brand new to the list. Not totally ignorant on CS but lots to learn.
85 yo male in good health but since I must self catheterize I am plagued by bladder infections (lab test confirmed). When my temp. gets to 101 or so and I feel lousy I have resorted to antibiotics. Obviously one day they will not be effective not to mention the harm they do elsewhere.

I have started drinking 8 oz of CS (made with a SilverGen) _during the night_ and even administered rectally every other day for the past 5 days. It has kept my temp. down but the cloudy urine says that the infection is still there. Of course 5 days is a short time and maybe 8 oz is not enough??

Would anyone have knowledge or opinion about actually injecting a pint or so of CS directly into the bladder?

Now that I write it it seems like - yes it is a no brain-er but......................


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