Lots of good advice already, but I would like to mention that simply
increasing the quantity of CS might do the trick. You can't overdose on CS,
and I have seen CS wipe out all manner of illness when enough is used. I
will drink at least four glasses a day if I feel like I may have caught a
flu or something. And I have seen UTIs irradiated with similar amounts. CS
has kept me and my family healthy for many years.

I would also recommend home made kefir, as it is great for getting the gut
and body flora healthy and balanced, which will further strengthen your
immune system.

Good luck.

On Sun, May 25, 2014 at 2:19 PM, Ron <ron....@gmail.com> wrote:

>  Hi, I'm brand new to the list. Not totally ignorant on CS but lots to
> learn.
> 85 yo male in good health but since I must self catheterize I am plagued
> by bladder infections (lab test confirmed).
> When my temp. gets to 101 or so and I feel lousy I have resorted to
> antibiotics.
> Obviously one day they will not be effective not to mention the harm they
> do elsewhere.
> I have started drinking 8 oz of CS (made with a SilverGen) *during the
> night* and even administered rectally every other day for the  past 5
> days.
> It has kept my temp. down but the cloudy urine says that the infection is
> still there. Of course 5 days is a short time and maybe 8 oz is not enough??
> Question:
> Would anyone have knowledge or opinion about actually injecting a pint or
> so of CS directly into the bladder?
> Now that I write it it seems like - yes it is a no brain-er
> but......................
> Ron
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