Hi Hollie, Welcome to the Group. There is no doubt you have joined, in my opinion, the best Group for no BS down to earth information, there are no hidden agendas, ego's or sales pitches, only openness and honesty is to be found here. However, you may find there are differing opinions and viewpoints on some aspects, but that's to be expected with any Group, and is healthy as everyone has a voice and deserves to be heard. NASA has been using it in their space programs since the 60's. I am led to believe the US Military is investigating it as we speak? The Russians back in the 50's engineered Movidyn as a defence against biowarfare, it destroyed every germ, bacteria etc and designer poison they tried it on. Movidyn is Colloidal Silver. However, I imagine they used powdered silver back then, today we use the LVDC electrolysis method in the home - maximum benefit, minimal risk, although I maintain *Nil* risk if a modicum of common sense is used. Why do I mention 'common sense'? Guess that's my disclaimer, back covering I think it's called <g>. Argyria? On writing to our TGA some years ago, asking for documented cases or reports of *any* undesirable effects they had from the ingestion and/or use of the LVDC predominantly ionic silver solution, they were unable to provide any. Quoted plenty regarding the so called 'CS', but nothing relating to what we produce. All they could provide was the same old regurgitated misinformation, disinformation, propaganda, innuendo and guilt by association ad nauseam rubbish which can be found anywhere in the public domain. Neurological seizures? Unless my opinions, determinations and beliefs can be considered 'Neurological seizures', I haven't had any in all the time I've been ingesting this stuff <g>. Some may suggest I have a Neurological 'Disorder' perhaps. I've been ingesting a small maintenance dose every morning before breakfast for nigh on ten years, could be longer now. "Success stories"? Yep, plenty, and from many others here as well. Ask and ye shall receive <g>. It is not a 'cure all', but dang it must come horribly close from my experience. "Evidence of harmful side effects"? Sorry, can't help you with this one, nothing to report. "How beneficial"? In my opinion efficacy is proportionate to amount ingested. It's not about the PPM, it's more about quality and quantity consumed, and I'm not talking about piddly teaspoons with the home made product, I'm talking about full glasses. N. Date: Mon, 1 Sep 2014 20:13:35 -0400 From: hollie.fl...@gmail.com To: silver-list@eskimo.com Subject: CS>Introduction-Hello
Hi everyone. I'm not sure how to make a post, hopefully this is correct. I would like to introduce myself. My name is Hollie, I am a cardiac nurse, a mom and a wife. Although I am trained and employed to