Just so you know, your first daily urine is the strongest and the first third 
of that is very strong. Strong in the sense of pungent. The last third is very 
weak. So mid stream would probably be apropos for testing. That way it is 


On 2014-09-07, at 13:53 PM, Sandra George wrote:

Hi There Mike - thanks for this insight very useful - the more I learn about 
the functions of the body and the outside influences thereon, is the more I 
understand how technical and hit and miss the medical field of endeavour is - 
this leads me to understand that for me to know what my body needs, I have to 
become my own doctor, to a very large degree, do my own research and really and 
truly find out as much information as I need to have - I am excited to share 
that for the past four mornings my urine readings have been 7.0 to 7.50 
alkaline - I am learning just how important the ph balance is for the body to 
operate at optimum levels.
This is why for me life is so fascinating as there is so much more to learn 
every single day while here on this planet - keep well and thanks for being you 
and having this forum with so many gifted people who choose to share their own 
journeys and results with us 
Many blessings to you 

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