how are you making the ozonated water? Jess

-----Original Message-----
From: M.G. Devour [] 
Sent: Sunday, September 07, 2014 12:47 PM
Subject: CS>Gut bacteria and what CS will kill...

Neville, Alan, Victor, all,

On the subject of what CS kills... I have personal experience with CS wiping
out my gut flora, good and bad alike. I did it some years back when I was
taking relatively large doses every day for a few weeks.

My symptoms were increasing fatigue and finally the onset of painful muscles
and joints, particularly in the legs. It became hard to walk, hard to get up
from a chair. Everything ached and was weak.

Googling for all I was worth, I pieced together the fact that our gut flora
is responsible for nearly all of the absorption of calcium from our food,
and without it, you'll get major calcium deficiency. Guess what the symptoms
of that include?

I had my wife go right out and buy me a carton of orange juice with added
calcium and within a half hour of drinking a good sized glass of it my
muscles were almost back to normal. Recovery was swift and complete.

We've talked here at times about why CS appears not to disrupt the flora,
and the consensus is that in a solid or semi-solid medium such as the
intestine and bowel contents, CS doesn't have the mobility to reach many of
the bacteria it might otherwise kill. However, if you've got a stomach bug,
diarrhea, or other cause for the contents of your intestines to be either
liquid or gone, then the silver will have a better chance to reach and
destroy the pathogens, and presumably the good bacteria as well, whatever
there is of it.

Under any circumstances where you might damage or destroy your flora, then
probiotics of some sort to repopulate the gut properly are called for. While
I believe CS will be slow to damage the gut bacteria, if you're taking large
doses for more than a day or two, I think such a precaution would be

Be well,

Mike D.

On Wed, 2014-09-03 at 08:07 +0900, Victor Cozzetto wrote:
> Hi Alan,
> I agree with your general premise of not taking medicine every day.
> Indeed, it is my goal to perfect my diet and environment, and not take 
> CS every day. And I also think it was great that you mentioned 
> probiotics. Kefir is part of my daily diet.
> However, I am a bit dismayed by two other things you said, and I would 
> like to put my thoughts out there for discussion:
> 1. I do not agree with assumptions about CS indiscriminately killing 
> all bacteria in our body, as research and experience contradict that.
> Nobody yet knows for sure all the exact mechanisms of CS. It seems 
> much more likely that our body somehow works in conjunction with CS.
> If not, then excessive use of CS would decimate our immune system by 
> wiping out the bacteria in our gut. But it does not. The exact 
> mechanisms of CS are still beyond our understanding. Yes we know it 
> kills all pathogens, we know it generates stem cells, we know it kills 
> cancer cells, and we know many different mechanisms for these actions.
> But there is still a lot of mystery there, as the contradictions 
> remain unexplained.
> 2. I do not agree that the Herxheimer reaction is a fallacy. It is 
> caused by the toxic excretions and litter of dying pathogens. I have a 
> lot of first hand experience with this from using the Beck Protocol.
> Dr. Robert Beck recognized this problem and included ozonated water to 
> deal with it. Ozonated water is incredibly effective at neutralizing 
> and eliminating waste from the body, and thus preventing the 
> Herxheimer reaction. Myself and family members have experienced the 
> difference many times. (The Beck Protocol is highly likely to cause a 
> strong Herxheimer reaction if you don't include the ozonated water...
> and sometimes we are too lazy to make the ozonated water... and then 
> are pointedly reminded how effective it is).
> Again, I agree with your general idea of not taking 'medicine' every 
> day. However, I no longer view CS as a medicine. It is certainly not a 
> drug. I know it is not a nutrient or supplement either, but I am just 
> not sure how to categorize it at this point.
> We are practically invulnerable with the right diet, and Dr. Weston A.
> Price has done a great job of documenting that. Best to follow his 
> dietary guidance and keep a bottle of CS in my pocket, just in case 
> ;-)
> Victor
> On Wed, Sep 3, 2014 at 1:34 AM, Alan Faulkner <>
> wrote:
>         The whole Herx thing is a bit controversial. Some say it means
>         all the bad stuff is dying off, and some say it is a bad
>         reaction to the medicine. It was invented to explain away why
>         some PPL react to Penicillin .
>         Either way I am not in the "take medicine everyday camp"
>         because anything that kills bacteria is not selective contrary
>         to what some PPL like to believe, as if it kills one thing, it
>         will inevitably kill the good guys too. Since there is more
>         bacteria in your body than cells and since the bacteria are
>         living symbiotically with you, then you are destroying that
>         which keeps you healthy.
>         Basically symbiotically means that you each benefit each
>         other. Bacteria is responsible for everything from digestion
>         to consuming poisons, keeping the bad guys in check and no
>         doubt many more things. I read once that speculation is that
>         the reason us humans do so well despite having a small genome
>         is that we have co-opted the genome of all the symbiotic
>         bacteria in us.
>         Some PPL take a variety of things daily such as MMS, H2O2 etc.
>         and I say that is nonsense. You have a defence system for a
>         reason. Yes when it is overloaded because of your poor dietary
>         habits then help it out, but find out what you are doing wrong
>         and fix that. Depending on some substance everyday to survive
>         is a fool's paradise AFAIAC.
>         That is why probiotics and yogurt and all of the other
>         fermented foods give PPL such a healthy gut... bacteria are
>         your friend.
>         Alan
>         On 2014-09-01, at 23:59 PM, Victor Cozzetto wrote:
>         AJ,
>         I think dosage depends largely on your overall health. Some
>         people need more than others.
>         A would recommend a glass a day as a starting point, and
>         increase it as you feel the need. And I mean increase it
>         within the same day. If I had a bad flu with a fever, I would
>         probably drink four glasses a day, or even more. You cannot
>         overdose on CS, and making it at home means that it is
>         practically free. So if I don't feel some improvement within
>         hours, I will keep drinking more. I keep plastic bottles
>         filled with it so that I can just keep drinking all day and
>         all night.
>         Another point to consider is that symptoms - fever, stuffy
>         nose, etc., will often continue after the body has 'won' the
>         battle, as those are our body's defense mechanisms, and It
>         simply takes time for the body to shut them down. So you
>         really have to judge how you 'feel' in a more holistic way.
>         You can feel great with a mild fever and some congestion, or
>         you could feel terrible. In either case, keep drinking the CS
>         for some days after you feel great, to make sure that you
>         don't relapse.
>         If you have never used CS before, I would recommend starting
>         with a glass a day. You could get diarrhea and Herxheimer
>         reactions, depending on your overall condition. A Herxheimer
>         reaction could feel like a flu, and is caused by rapid die off
>         of pathogens that occurs to quickly for your body to handle.
>         And so you could actually feel worse before you suddenly feel
>         much better.
>         Victor
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