Hi Reece - I've been making CS for a lotta years by every means
imaginable.   I settled on the Silver Pulser from Sota about seven
years ago.  The Silver Pulser is a combination blood electrification and CS
unit that uses constant current to make CS.

I fill a quart jar almost full of distilled water, keeping the electrodes
spread a little and at least an inch off the bottom, all at room
temperature.  I turn the unit on and let it run undisturbed for four
hours.   I don't stir, or wipe electrodes, or bless the process, just let
it run, quiet like, then cut the power and let is settle for 30 minutes and
filter through an unbleached coffee filter.

All the crud either stays on the electrodes or falls to the bottom of the
jar.   The product is a lovely, golden clear 8-10 ppm TDS, which suits
perfectly.   It grieves me to hear people stir their CS and then complain
about a gray color, like all the crud they stirred in magically disappears.

I wasn't pulling your leg about making CS under a full moon.  Planetary
science is a serious business.  See attached.

Good luck,
