Most Health food stores will carry it, cost about $14.95 ltr.


James Osbourne, Holmes wrote:
> I know someone provided the info, but I lost it.  Where to get 35% food grade?
> James Osbourne Holmes
> -----Original Message-----
> From:   Marshall Dudley []
> Sent:   Wednesday, November 03, 1999 9:06 AM
> To:
> Subject:        Re: CS>OT - Sick child h2o2
> Yes I have.  The people I know that take it take the food grade 35% DILUTED 
> down
> to a reasonable level.  I have been told that the 3% you get at the pharmacy
> contains chemicals to stabalize it and they should not be taken internally.
> This is something that needs to be checked as I have not confirmed this 
> though.
> Do not use 35% directly, it will burn your skin!
> Marshall
> Hutt William J (Bill) DLPC wrote:
> > Have you heard of anyone using hydrogen peroxide internally?
> > If so, for what and how much. I have heard that bodybuilders using steroids
> > take a teaspoon to control the severe acne associated anabolic steriods.
> >
> >                                   BillH
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Mike Marr []
> > Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 1999 8:55 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: CS>OT - Sick child h2o2
> >
> > On Tuesday, November 02, 1999  4:30 PM, wrote:
> > >
> > >Date: 2-Nov-1999 17:30:39 -0500
> > >From:
> > >To: m...@jazz {}
> > >Subject: Re: CS>OT - Sick child h2o2
> > >
> > >hi..regarding your h2o2 plain hydrogen peroxide? how much did you
> > >give him each time...what size is he? if lt works that well..l want to know
> >
> > >all about it..thankyou. inga.
> > >
> > >
> > Yes, plain hydrogen peroxide, 3%, which I bought at the local pharmacy.
> > I gave him about one capful for both ears.  I poured in enough to fill
> > the ear canal.  My son is about 48 lbs. and about 46 inches tall.  He
> > mentioned there was some pain with the first application, but none on the
> > third.  I have also used this when I felt the first onset of a cold.
> >
> > Mike M.
> >
> > Reposted from previous email:
> > >From another list, this suggestion:
> > From:
> >
> > To all of you that have an ear.
> >
> > "Sick to day, Well Tomorrow"  I promis you!!!
> >
> > For the past 21 years now I, and others have been attacking the the
> > Common Cold & Influenza(s) Virus where they begin their breeding
> > process. ( not where they have already spread to =
> > eye's-nose-throat-lungs)
> >
> > We have found that the inner-ear (middle) harbors the only perfect
> > environment for these microscopic killers to begin their breeding.
> >
> > Common Cold Cure:
> > We find that by administering a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide into
> > each infected ear for 10 minutes or longer until the bubbling & stinging
> > subsides that the temperature starts dropping within just a few minutes
> > and that all of the effects / symptoms are completely gone within 12 to
> > 14 hours.  We have had 100% results with using this method.
> >
> > Influenza(s) Virus Cure:
> > You'll need to repeat the same process two or more times at two hour
> > intervals until there is no more bubbling when you put drops in infected
> > ear(s)  We also have had 100% results when using this method in curing
> > the flu.   If you don't have an eye dropper, use the bottle cap to
> > administer the H202 and be very careful to not get any in the eyes.
> > (flush with water)
> >
> > I have written to a multitude of people about this amazingly simple cure
> > including the FDA-NIH & to AMA president Thomas R. Reardon MD. I don't
> > think that the AMA wants to inform the public about this because there's
> > no money in it for them in doing so!!! ( Narcissistic )
> >
> > Please tell others about this.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Larry <> the molecular man
> >
> > --
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> >
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> >
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