Call around to the health food stores.  Some may have it and claim not though 
as the
FDA is hassling them and they will often sell only to people they know. :<


James Osbourne, Holmes wrote:

> I know someone provided the info, but I lost it.  Where to get 35% food grade?
> James Osbourne Holmes
> -----Original Message-----
> From:   Marshall Dudley []
> Sent:   Wednesday, November 03, 1999 9:06 AM
> To:
> Subject:        Re: CS>OT - Sick child h2o2
> Yes I have.  The people I know that take it take the food grade 35% DILUTED 
> down
> to a reasonable level.  I have been told that the 3% you get at the pharmacy
> contains chemicals to stabalize it and they should not be taken internally.
> This is something that needs to be checked as I have not confirmed this 
> though.
> Do not use 35% directly, it will burn your skin!
> Marshall
> Hutt William J (Bill) DLPC wrote:
> > Have you heard of anyone using hydrogen peroxide internally?
> > If so, for what and how much. I have heard that bodybuilders using steroids
> > take a teaspoon to control the severe acne associated anabolic steriods.
> >
> >                                   BillH
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Mike Marr []
> > Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 1999 8:55 AM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: CS>OT - Sick child h2o2
> >
> > On Tuesday, November 02, 1999  4:30 PM, wrote:
> > >
> > >Date: 2-Nov-1999 17:30:39 -0500
> > >From:
> > >To: m...@jazz {}
> > >Subject: Re: CS>OT - Sick child h2o2
> > >
> > >hi..regarding your h2o2 plain hydrogen peroxide? how much did you
> > >give him each time...what size is he? if lt works that well..l want to know
> >
> > >all about it..thankyou. inga.
> > >
> > >
> > Yes, plain hydrogen peroxide, 3%, which I bought at the local pharmacy.
> > I gave him about one capful for both ears.  I poured in enough to fill
> > the ear canal.  My son is about 48 lbs. and about 46 inches tall.  He
> > mentioned there was some pain with the first application, but none on the
> > third.  I have also used this when I felt the first onset of a cold.
> >
> > Mike M.
> >
> > Reposted from previous email:
> > >From another list, this suggestion:
> > From:
> >
> > To all of you that have an ear.
> >
> > "Sick to day, Well Tomorrow"  I promis you!!!
> >
> > For the past 21 years now I, and others have been attacking the the
> > Common Cold & Influenza(s) Virus where they begin their breeding
> > process. ( not where they have already spread to =
> > eye's-nose-throat-lungs)
> >
> > We have found that the inner-ear (middle) harbors the only perfect
> > environment for these microscopic killers to begin their breeding.
> >
> > Common Cold Cure:
> > We find that by administering a few drops of 3% hydrogen peroxide into
> > each infected ear for 10 minutes or longer until the bubbling & stinging
> > subsides that the temperature starts dropping within just a few minutes
> > and that all of the effects / symptoms are completely gone within 12 to
> > 14 hours.  We have had 100% results with using this method.
> >
> > Influenza(s) Virus Cure:
> > You'll need to repeat the same process two or more times at two hour
> > intervals until there is no more bubbling when you put drops in infected
> > ear(s)  We also have had 100% results when using this method in curing
> > the flu.   If you don't have an eye dropper, use the bottle cap to
> > administer the H202 and be very careful to not get any in the eyes.
> > (flush with water)
> >
> > I have written to a multitude of people about this amazingly simple cure
> > including the FDA-NIH & to AMA president Thomas R. Reardon MD. I don't
> > think that the AMA wants to inform the public about this because there's
> > no money in it for them in doing so!!! ( Narcissistic )
> >
> > Please tell others about this.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Larry <> the molecular man
> >
> > --
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> >
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