I'm using the generator from the Silver Lungs sight. Does anyone have an 
opinion about the quality of silver it makes?  
I start w distilled water with a 0 particle reading and run a batch on "long" 
cycle (2 hrs?) and get an 8-10
Reading when auto timed out. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Dec 12, 2015, at 5:55 AM, Ode Coyote <silverpuppy1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Once you hit the solubility limits of silver ions in water at around 13 PPM, 
> you go into a supersaturation area where environmental variables... trace 
> impurities, temperature etc. play a greater and greater role in 'kicking' off 
> a non conductive particle formation cascade reaction.
> 'What' is in the water often counts more than how much..and no way to know 
> what, what is.
>  The variables connected with particle formation in a super saturated 
> solution make meters more and more fraught with error the further past the 
> saturation point you go because meters don't register anything BUT ionic 
> content.
> A meter reading past around 15 uS just doesn't mean very much.
> So, up to around 10-12 uS a meter says something fairly reliable but getting 
> there with current 'ramp up to control' on an exponential curve, starting who 
> knows where, making time a HUGE variable with the slightest difference in 
> initial water conductivity...well...using a clock just doesn't work.
> But once the current control circuits stabilizes the current, ion emission 
> rate is predictably linear using Faraday calculations and a clock.
> You know how much silver entered the water..but what Faraday doesn't say is 
> how much *stayed* in the water.
> If there is very little on the bottom, most of it did.
> But
> The stronger you make it, the more densely packed uncharged particles are and 
> the more likely they are to encounter each other and agglomerate into larger 
> particles, forming crystals around a seed nucleus and getting big enough to 
> settle out.
> Ode
>> On Fri, Dec 11, 2015 at 1:59 PM, Jerry Durand <jdur...@interstellar.com> 
>> wrote:
>> I suspect the main benefit of the high ppm solutions is to the bank account 
>> of the seller.  I also suspect they use pretty high current or maybe 
>> sputtering to get that much       silver in there.
>> Or, they just lie about the number.
>> Out of curiosity, I ran a pint batch with the Silver Puppy set to 10 ticks 
>> on the manual mode.  I started with distilled water (0-1 uS by my meter) and 
>> the next day when it was done it only read 14 uS.  I left it sit for a few 
>> days and then it read 12 uS.   Seems awfully low for running that long. 
>> A normal auto run on the Silver Puppy gives a reading of 10 uS.
>>> On 12/11/2015 03:32 AM, Ode Coyote wrote:
>>> But since the physical properties of silver and water limit how much silver 
>>> will STAY in the water [solubility limits], relatively all of that 42,000 
>>> will be sludge on the bottom as silver hydroxide and silver oxide....wasted.
>>> Some suspend the garbage in the water by making the water thicker, like old 
>>> used dirty motor oil can hold a lot of dirt
>>> ...MSP  Mild Silver Protein can be 50 or even 1000+ PPM,  big chunks of 
>>> silver suspended in jello.
>>> Lots of silver, little benefit.
>>> Ode
>> -- 
>> Jerry Durand, Durand Interstellar, Inc.  www.interstellar.com
>> tel: +1 408 356-3886, USA toll free: 1 866 356-3886