Yeah I tried that, but it didn't work for me, nor did N-Acetyl Carnosine.
For fighting any infection in the body, I drip CS into a capsule of MSM, recap 
it, put it under my tongue for at least 15 minutes to dissolve and be absorbed 
without the GI tract diminishing it, for the equivalent of a CS IV. It's one of 
the great adjuncts Marc Fett has recommended over at lymestrategies group.

Be well,
On Jan 5, 2017, at 8:53 PM, Deborah Gerard wrote:

> I add about ten percent MSM to my CS drops for my eyes to keep cataracts at 
> bay.
> On Thursday, January 5, 2017 7:11 PM, Roger Barker <> 
> wrote:
> Hi Lena, I have the silver and DMSO on hand at all times so that's two for CS 
> and one for DMSO :-)
> Must be worth giving them a cautious go. Will have to make sure the medic's 
> are out of the room though.
> Many thanks,  Roger B
> nz
> On 6/01/2017, at 1:25 PM, Lena Guyot wrote:
> Hi Roger,
> So sorry to hear! This sounds pretty scary. I don't know much about amoebic 
> infections.
> I do know that CS seems to be a strong killer of bacteria, fungi, and virii. 
> I've had uveitis that didn't respond well to the ophthalmologists medications 
> years ago, but the next time I had it, I dared put a couple drops of DMSO 
> into my eye-dropper bottle full of CS, cringing that I might be harming 
> myself, even though people in groups had said they'd come to no harm. My 
> redness, terrible eye-pain, everything, stopped within 3 days and when my 
> ophthalmologist examined me with the slit lamp he was impressed and said I 
> had his blessing to use my concoction if ever uveitis occurred again. As a 
> Lymie, I know that's a possibility so am glad to have his approval. 
> This is my own experience, not a recommendation, as I'm not qualified in any 
> way but personal guinea-piggery.
> Two years ago, after my iridotomies and subsequent cataract surgeries, they 
> gave me Durezol drops to help heal the wounds, so you might want to ask about 
> that. But all docs involved now respect my use of CS and a minute amount of 
> DMSO to carry it to where it can be most effective.
> Best of luck! Please let us know how it's going.
> Be well,
> Léna
> On Jan 5, 2017, at 6:23 PM, Roger Barker wrote:
> I'd like to start by wishing everyone a very Happy and Health New Year. 
> Unfortunately the new  year has not started well for one of our family 
> (Julie). Approximately a week before Christmas she accidentally damaged here 
> eye when she caught it with her fingernail - causing a cut to the surface. 
> This cut has become infected so antibiotics were given with not results. 
> Today we received this message from her husband.
> Julie is still in hospital for her eye infection.  At this point it seems it 
> is an amoeba known as Acanthamoeba, as it has not responding to normal 
> antibiotic treatments.
> They have started her on a new treatment today (unfortunately due to 
> everything being closed during the holidays the doctors suspected what she 
> had but were unable to get the proper drugs to treat it until today as they 
> had to be shipped via medical courier from Auckland. The the ophthalmologist 
> said it is likely going to be a long road to recovery. At this point I don’t 
> know when she will be home but most likely not until next week given there 
> hasn’t been any real improvement in her condition so far.
> Most likely she will be in hospital for another few nights at least and then 
> hopefully home for a slow recovery that could take some weeks.  That’s best 
> case though.  The worst bit is the amount of pain she has been in 
> particularly at night.  The amoeba attacks the eye in such a way that 
> morphine based pain relief doesn’t work particularly well, so she hasn’t had 
> much relief.
> My question to the group is - does anyone know if CS would help again this 
> amoeba? Although we've used CS for twenty plus years for all sorts of 
> complaints I don't know for certain if we've ever tackled anything like this. 
> Any help/suggestion much appreciated.
> Best wishes,  Roger B